Phone number +17028056718

1 Negative reports 1
0 Positive reports 0

Phone number details and history

Score: 0/100 - Phone number: 17028056718

Phone number details and history

This phone number has been reported to be used for negative activities, be extra careful!

Phone number (702) 805-6718 with countrycode 1 originate from Nevada in United States and it is a fixed line or mobile telephone number. United States iso codes are US and USA, local time is 16:13:12.

How to call 17028056718 from abroad

When calling from abroad use either two zeros (00) or a plus sign (+) followed by the country code before typing the number. Example: +1 7028056718 or 001 7028056718.

This number is a valid existing number.

1 Negative reports 1 0 0 Positive reports
Phone number lookups last 30 days
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Possible formats
+1 702-805-6718
(702) 805-6718

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United States
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Area code: 702
Area: Nevada
Local Time: 16:13:12
Type: Fixed line or mobile

Reported activities


Score: 0/100

Score: 0/100 - Phone number: 17028056718

2021-11-20 14:42:06

ID displayed it as a verified number, so I answered. The person on the line sounded nervous, as if they were reading off a script for the first time, claiming that I had a "certified check" form "Mega Millions" (which is a game, not a corporation) in the amount of "$800,000" and that I was "randomly selected in my state for paying utilities and shopping at local stores such as Wallgreens and Walmart". They said the check would be coming in the mail Monday. I told them it sounded like bullshit and I would be handing all information and materials over to the authorities.