Reported phone numbers in Bulgaria (+359)

Local time
Emergency phone number
112 or 166
Country Calling Code: +359
E.164 (Country Code): 359
Emergency phone number: 112 or 166
Capital: Sofia
Language: Bulgarian
Valuta: Bulgarian lev (BGN)
Local Time: 07:17
Timezone: Europe/Sofia
Population: 7 148 785
Land Area: 110 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Bulgaria without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Bulgaria but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Bulgaria / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +359 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Bulgaria is 07:17.

Unspecified phone numbers from Bulgaria

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Bulgaria.

+359885715098 +359 88 571 5098 088 571 5098 tel:+359-88-571-5098
+359885817029 +359 88 581 7029 088 581 7029 tel:+359-88-581-7029
+359885809724 +359 88 580 9724 088 580 9724 tel:+359-88-580-9724
+359885956912 +359 88 595 6912 088 595 6912 tel:+359-88-595-6912
+359885841761 +359 88 584 1761 088 584 1761 tel:+359-88-584-1761
+359886346709 +359 88 634 6709 088 634 6709 tel:+359-88-634-6709
+359884688428 +359 88 468 8428 088 468 8428 tel:+359-88-468-8428
+359899363320 +359 89 936 3320 089 936 3320 tel:+359-89-936-3320
+359877573206 +359 87 757 3206 087 757 3206 tel:+359-87-757-3206
+359897541152 +359 89 754 1152 089 754 1152 tel:+359-89-754-1152
+359875354382 +359 87 535 4382 087 535 4382 tel:+359-87-535-4382
+359895714576 +359 89 571 4576 089 571 4576 tel:+359-89-571-4576
+359884288412 +359 88 428 8412 088 428 8412 tel:+359-88-428-8412
+359890123786 +359 89 012 3786 089 012 3786 tel:+359-89-012-3786
+359886317843 +359 88 631 7843 088 631 7843 tel:+359-88-631-7843
+359886319286 +359 88 631 9286 088 631 9286 tel:+359-88-631-9286
+359889979011 +359 88 997 9011 088 997 9011 tel:+359-88-997-9011
+359875312983 +359 87 531 2983 087 531 2983 tel:+359-87-531-2983
+359898917641 +359 89 891 7641 089 891 7641 tel:+359-89-891-7641
+359895893376 +359 89 589 3376 089 589 3376 tel:+359-89-589-3376
+359882886598 +359 88 288 6598 088 288 6598 tel:+359-88-288-6598
+359886310495 +359 88 631 0495 088 631 0495 tel:+359-88-631-0495
+359886310254 +359 88 631 0254 088 631 0254 tel:+359-88-631-0254
+359886309789 +359 88 630 9789 088 630 9789 tel:+359-88-630-9789
+359895717330 +359 89 571 7330 089 571 7330 tel:+359-89-571-7330
+359882643692 +359 88 264 3692 088 264 3692 tel:+359-88-264-3692
+359895018095 +359 89 501 8095 089 501 8095 tel:+359-89-501-8095
+359877929200 +359 87 792 9200 087 792 9200 tel:+359-87-792-9200
+359892932112 +359 89 293 2112 089 293 2112 tel:+359-89-293-2112
+359884329396 +359 88 432 9396 088 432 9396 tel:+359-88-432-9396
+359988217205 +359 98 821 7205 098 821 7205 tel:+359-98-821-7205
+359988193235 +359 98 819 3235 098 819 3235 tel:+359-98-819-3235
+359876808543 +359 87 680 8543 087 680 8543 tel:+359-87-680-8543
+359882860276 +359 88 286 0276 088 286 0276 tel:+359-88-286-0276
+359886313430 +359 88 631 3430 088 631 3430 tel:+359-88-631-3430
+359886312936 +359 88 631 2936 088 631 2936 tel:+359-88-631-2936
+359879314844 +359 87 931 4844 087 931 4844 tel:+359-87-931-4844
+359884045546 +359 88 404 5546 088 404 5546 tel:+359-88-404-5546
+359886311756 +359 88 631 1756 088 631 1756 tel:+359-88-631-1756
+359882950571 +359 88 295 0571 088 295 0571 tel:+359-88-295-0571
+359899205071 +359 89 920 5071 089 920 5071 tel:+359-89-920-5071
+359886314624 +359 88 631 4624 088 631 4624 tel:+359-88-631-4624
+3591220 +359 1220 1220 tel:+359-1220