Reported phone numbers in Bulgaria (+359)

Local time
3:03:14 AM
Emergency phone number
112 or 166
Country Calling Code: +359
E.164 (Country Code): 359
Emergency phone number: 112 or 166
Capital: Sofia
Language: Bulgarian
Valuta: Bulgarian lev (BGN)
Local Time: 03:03:14
Time difference: 1 hour ahead of you
Timezone: Europe/Sofia
Population: 7 148 785
Land Area: 110 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Bulgaria without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Bulgaria but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Bulgaria / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +359 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Bulgaria is 03:03:14.

Unspecified phone numbers from Bulgaria

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Bulgaria.

+359988866215 +359 98 886 6215 098 886 6215 tel:+359-98-886-6215
+359882566764 +359 88 256 6764 088 256 6764 tel:+359-88-256-6764
+359898540704 +359 89 854 0704 089 854 0704 tel:+359-89-854-0704
+359895814579 +359 89 581 4579 089 581 4579 tel:+359-89-581-4579
+359896055220 +359 89 605 5220 089 605 5220 tel:+359-89-605-5220
+359894101079 +359 89 410 1079 089 410 1079 tel:+359-89-410-1079
+359897493112 +359 89 749 3112 089 749 3112 tel:+359-89-749-3112
+359878178727 +359 87 817 8727 087 817 8727 tel:+359-87-817-8727
+359899102766 +359 89 910 2766 089 910 2766 tel:+359-89-910-2766
+359876978512 +359 87 697 8512 087 697 8512 tel:+359-87-697-8512
+359879338580 +359 87 933 8580 087 933 8580 tel:+359-87-933-8580
+359893367212 +359 89 336 7212 089 336 7212 tel:+359-89-336-7212
+359887308586 +359 88 730 8586 088 730 8586 tel:+359-88-730-8586
+359877085820 +359 87 708 5820 087 708 5820 tel:+359-87-708-5820
+359884048439 +359 88 404 8439 088 404 8439 tel:+359-88-404-8439
+359877867264 +359 87 786 7264 087 786 7264 tel:+359-87-786-7264
+359884332375 +359 88 433 2375 088 433 2375 tel:+359-88-433-2375
+359885349970 +359 88 534 9970 088 534 9970 tel:+359-88-534-9970
+359882107678 +359 88 210 7678 088 210 7678 tel:+359-88-210-7678
+35988505702 +359 88 505 702 088 505 702 tel:+359-88-505-702
+359875314907 +359 87 531 4907 087 531 4907 tel:+359-87-531-4907
+359877155958 +359 87 715 5958 087 715 5958 tel:+359-87-715-5958
+359882615998 +359 88 261 5998 088 261 5998 tel:+359-88-261-5998
+359879340651 +359 87 934 0651 087 934 0651 tel:+359-87-934-0651
+359899351111 +359 89 935 1111 089 935 1111 tel:+359-89-935-1111
+359894403023 +359 89 440 3023 089 440 3023 tel:+359-89-440-3023
+35970010700 +359 700 10 700 0700 10 700 tel:+359-700-10-700
+359889433547 +359 88 943 3547 088 943 3547 tel:+359-88-943-3547
+359883256901 +359 88 325 6901 088 325 6901 tel:+359-88-325-6901
+359884332435 +359 88 433 2435 088 433 2435 tel:+359-88-433-2435
+359888111451 +359 88 811 1451 088 811 1451 tel:+359-88-811-1451
+359895467051 +359 89 546 7051 089 546 7051 tel:+359-89-546-7051
+359893741178 +359 89 374 1178 089 374 1178 tel:+359-89-374-1178
+359876610435 +359 87 661 0435 087 661 0435 tel:+359-87-661-0435
+359899988361 +359 89 998 8361 089 998 8361 tel:+359-89-998-8361
+359888586963 +359 88 858 6963 088 858 6963 tel:+359-88-858-6963
+359884331985 +359 88 433 1985 088 433 1985 tel:+359-88-433-1985
+359877190983 +359 87 719 0983 087 719 0983 tel:+359-87-719-0983
+359877866659 +359 87 786 6659 087 786 6659 tel:+359-87-786-6659
+359882514772 +359 88 251 4772 088 251 4772 tel:+359-88-251-4772
+359882492804 +359 88 249 2804 088 249 2804 tel:+359-88-249-2804
+359896674404 +359 89 667 4404 089 667 4404 tel:+359-89-667-4404
+359888739911 +359 88 873 9911 088 873 9911 tel:+359-88-873-9911
+359888802494 +359 88 880 2494 088 880 2494 tel:+359-88-880-2494
+359888555504 +359 88 855 5504 088 855 5504 tel:+359-88-855-5504
+359898699779 +359 89 869 9779 089 869 9779 tel:+359-89-869-9779
+359877940086 +359 87 794 0086 087 794 0086 tel:+359-87-794-0086
+359878946370 +359 87 894 6370 087 894 6370 tel:+359-87-894-6370
+359888513415 +359 88 851 3415 088 851 3415 tel:+359-88-851-3415
+359877862208 +359 87 786 2208 087 786 2208 tel:+359-87-786-2208