Reported phone numbers in Bulgaria (+359)

Local time
Emergency phone number
112 or 166
Country Calling Code: +359
E.164 (Country Code): 359
Emergency phone number: 112 or 166
Capital: Sofia
Language: Bulgarian
Valuta: Bulgarian lev (BGN)
Local Time: 04:23
Timezone: Europe/Sofia
Population: 7 148 785
Land Area: 110 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Bulgaria without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Bulgaria but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Bulgaria / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +359 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Bulgaria is 04:23.

Unspecified phone numbers from Bulgaria

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Bulgaria.

+359884615974 +359 88 461 5974 088 461 5974 tel:+359-88-461-5974
+359886737270 +359 88 673 7270 088 673 7270 tel:+359-88-673-7270
+359899905183 +359 89 990 5183 089 990 5183 tel:+359-89-990-5183
+359899547600 +359 89 954 7600 089 954 7600 tel:+359-89-954-7600
+359882819312 +359 88 281 9312 088 281 9312 tel:+359-88-281-9312
+359878335567 +359 87 833 5567 087 833 5567 tel:+359-87-833-5567
+359883206360 +359 88 320 6360 088 320 6360 tel:+359-88-320-6360
+359883206409 +359 88 320 6409 088 320 6409 tel:+359-88-320-6409
+359899999500 +359 89 999 9500 089 999 9500 tel:+359-89-999-9500
+359988192640 +359 98 819 2640 098 819 2640 tel:+359-98-819-2640
+359899903170 +359 89 990 3170 089 990 3170 tel:+359-89-990-3170
+359829762892 +359 82 976 2892 082 976 2892 tel:+359-82-976-2892
+359892342277 +359 89 234 2277 089 234 2277 tel:+359-89-234-2277
+359876211899 +359 87 621 1899 087 621 1899 tel:+359-87-621-1899
+359896676547 +359 89 667 6547 089 667 6547 tel:+359-89-667-6547
+359896793803 +359 89 679 3803 089 679 3803 tel:+359-89-679-3803
+359878360102 +359 87 836 0102 087 836 0102 tel:+359-87-836-0102
+35970017011 +359 700 17 011 0700 17 011 tel:+359-700-17-011
+359877323489 +359 87 732 3489 087 732 3489 tel:+359-87-732-3489
+359886678515 +359 88 667 8515 088 667 8515 tel:+359-88-667-8515
+359887331266 +359 88 733 1266 088 733 1266 tel:+359-88-733-1266
+359882874859 +359 88 287 4859 088 287 4859 tel:+359-88-287-4859
+359882549058 +359 88 254 9058 088 254 9058 tel:+359-88-254-9058
+359886762571 +359 88 676 2571 088 676 2571 tel:+359-88-676-2571
+3593011 +359 3011 3011 tel:+359-3011
+359886748116 +359 88 674 8116 088 674 8116 tel:+359-88-674-8116
+359877181615 +359 87 718 1615 087 718 1615 tel:+359-87-718-1615
+359896736553 +359 89 673 6553 089 673 6553 tel:+359-89-673-6553
+359112 +359 112 112 tel:+359-112
+359884611606 +359 88 461 1606 088 461 1606 tel:+359-88-461-1606
+359875354385 +359 87 535 4385 087 535 4385 tel:+359-87-535-4385
+359892401203 +359 89 240 1203 089 240 1203 tel:+359-89-240-1203
+359883206474 +359 88 320 6474 088 320 6474 tel:+359-88-320-6474
+359899944793 +359 89 994 4793 089 994 4793 tel:+359-89-994-4793
+35987123 +359 87123 87123 tel:+359-87123
+359923259553184 +359 923259553184 923259553184 tel:+359-923259553184
+359885142149 +359 88 514 2149 088 514 2149 tel:+359-88-514-2149
+359988192641 +359 98 819 2641 098 819 2641 tel:+359-98-819-2641
+359876876410 +359 87 687 6410 087 687 6410 tel:+359-87-687-6410
+359882169203 +359 88 216 9203 088 216 9203 tel:+359-88-216-9203
+359875360399 +359 87 536 0399 087 536 0399 tel:+359-87-536-0399
+359893913923 +359 89 391 3923 089 391 3923 tel:+359-89-391-3923
+359878350078 +359 87 835 0078 087 835 0078 tel:+359-87-835-0078
+359899016481 +359 89 901 6481 089 901 6481 tel:+359-89-901-6481
+359893201536 +359 89 320 1536 089 320 1536 tel:+359-89-320-1536
+359894560774 +359 89 456 0774 089 456 0774 tel:+359-89-456-0774
+359886336280 +359 88 633 6280 088 633 6280 tel:+359-88-633-6280
+359886316397 +359 88 631 6397 088 631 6397 tel:+359-88-631-6397
+359878299909 +359 87 829 9909 087 829 9909 tel:+359-87-829-9909
+359875360325 +359 87 536 0325 087 536 0325 tel:+359-87-536-0325