Reported phone numbers in Hong Kong (+852)

Local time
Hong Kong SAR China
Emergency phone number
Hong Kong SAR China
Hong Kong
City of Victoria
Country Calling Code: +852
E.164 (Country Code): 852
Emergency phone number: 999
Capital: City of Victoria
Language: Chinese
Valuta: Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)
Local Time: 01:03
Timezone: Asia/Hong_Kong
Population: 6 898 686
Land Area: 1 092 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Hong Kong without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Hong Kong but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Hong Kong / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +852 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Hong Kong SAR China is 01:03.

Reported phone numbers in Hong Kong SAR China

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+85221194597 +852 2119 4597 2119 4597 tel:+852-2119-4597
+85221204688 +852 2120 4688 2120 4688 tel:+852-2120-4688
+85221304406 +852 2130 4406 2130 4406 tel:+852-2130-4406
+85221313139 +852 2131 3139 2131 3139 tel:+852-2131-3139
+85221313193 +852 2131 3193 2131 3193 tel:+852-2131-3193
+85221339281 +852 2133 9281 2133 9281 tel:+852-2133-9281
+85221348532 +852 2134 8532 2134 8532 tel:+852-2134-8532
+85221371947 +852 2137 1947 2137 1947 tel:+852-2137-1947
+85221387010 +852 2138 7010 2138 7010 tel:+852-2138-7010
+85221389680 +852 2138 9680 2138 9680 tel:+852-2138-9680
+85221541891 +852 2154 1891 2154 1891 tel:+852-2154-1891
+85221543613 +852 2154 3613 2154 3613 tel:+852-2154-3613
+85221567771 +852 2156 7771 2156 7771 tel:+852-2156-7771
+85221567786 +852 2156 7786 2156 7786 tel:+852-2156-7786
+85221580440 +852 2158 0440 2158 0440 tel:+852-2158-0440
+85221589178 +852 2158 9178 2158 9178 tel:+852-2158-9178
+85221589237 +852 2158 9237 2158 9237 tel:+852-2158-9237
+85221589506 +852 2158 9506 2158 9506 tel:+852-2158-9506
+85221589522 +852 2158 9522 2158 9522 tel:+852-2158-9522
+85221589525 +852 2158 9525 2158 9525 tel:+852-2158-9525
+85221589526 +852 2158 9526 2158 9526 tel:+852-2158-9526
+85221597899 +852 2159 7899 2159 7899 tel:+852-2159-7899
+85222310076 +852 2231 0076 2231 0076 tel:+852-2231-0076
+85222904088 +852 2290 4088 2290 4088 tel:+852-2290-4088
+85222947305 +852 2294 7305 2294 7305 tel:+852-2294-7305
+85224374938 +852 2437 4938 2437 4938 tel:+852-2437-4938
+85230183338 +852 3018 3338 3018 3338 tel:+852-3018-3338
+85231035314 +852 3103 5314 3103 5314 tel:+852-3103-5314
+85231115641 +852 3111 5641 3111 5641 tel:+852-3111-5641
+85231115668 +852 3111 5668 3111 5668 tel:+852-3111-5668
+85231144447 +852 3114 4447 3114 4447 tel:+852-3114-4447
+85231144496 +852 3114 4496 3114 4496 tel:+852-3114-4496
+85231154344 +852 3115 4344 3115 4344 tel:+852-3115-4344
+85231158301 +852 3115 8301 3115 8301 tel:+852-3115-8301
+85231514387 +852 3151 4387 3151 4387 tel:+852-3151-4387
+85231554713 +852 3155 4713 3155 4713 tel:+852-3155-4713
+85231569431 +852 3156 9431 3156 9431 tel:+852-3156-9431
+85231595940 +852 3159 5940 3159 5940 tel:+852-3159-5940
+85231680600 +852 3168 0600 3168 0600 tel:+852-3168-0600
+85231742615 +852 3174 2615 3174 2615 tel:+852-3174-2615
+85231801417 +852 3180 1417 3180 1417 tel:+852-3180-1417
+85231824578 +852 3182 4578 3182 4578 tel:+852-3182-4578
+85234205263 +852 3420 5263 3420 5263 tel:+852-3420-5263
+85234205284 +852 3420 5284 3420 5284 tel:+852-3420-5284
+85234230700 +852 3423 0700 3423 0700 tel:+852-3423-0700
+85234230718 +852 3423 0718 3423 0718 tel:+852-3423-0718
+85234230722 +852 3423 0722 3423 0722 tel:+852-3423-0722
+85234230730 +852 3423 0730 3423 0730 tel:+852-3423-0730
+85234230736 +852 3423 0736 3423 0736 tel:+852-3423-0736
+85234230739 +852 3423 0739 3423 0739 tel:+852-3423-0739