Reported phone numbers in Hong Kong (+852)

Local time
Hong Kong SAR China
Emergency phone number
Hong Kong SAR China
Hong Kong
City of Victoria
Country Calling Code: +852
E.164 (Country Code): 852
Emergency phone number: 999
Capital: City of Victoria
Language: Chinese
Valuta: Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)
Local Time: 11:02
Timezone: Asia/Hong_Kong
Population: 6 898 686
Land Area: 1 092 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Hong Kong without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Hong Kong but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Hong Kong / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +852 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Hong Kong SAR China is 11:02.

Reported phone numbers in Hong Kong SAR China

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+85239514412 +852 3951 4412 3951 4412 tel:+852-3951-4412
+85239514415 +852 3951 4415 3951 4415 tel:+852-3951-4415
+85239514465 +852 3951 4465 3951 4465 tel:+852-3951-4465
+85239514702 +852 3951 4702 3951 4702 tel:+852-3951-4702
+85239514706 +852 3951 4706 3951 4706 tel:+852-3951-4706
+85239514913 +852 3951 4913 3951 4913 tel:+852-3951-4913
+85239514914 +852 3951 4914 3951 4914 tel:+852-3951-4914
+85239514929 +852 3951 4929 3951 4929 tel:+852-3951-4929
+85239515018 +852 3951 5018 3951 5018 tel:+852-3951-5018
+85239515031 +852 3951 5031 3951 5031 tel:+852-3951-5031
+85239515041 +852 3951 5041 3951 5041 tel:+852-3951-5041
+85239515050 +852 3951 5050 3951 5050 tel:+852-3951-5050
+85239515063 +852 3951 5063 3951 5063 tel:+852-3951-5063
+85239515066 +852 3951 5066 3951 5066 tel:+852-3951-5066
+85239515070 +852 3951 5070 3951 5070 tel:+852-3951-5070
+85239515081 +852 3951 5081 3951 5081 tel:+852-3951-5081
+85239715418 +852 3971 5418 3971 5418 tel:+852-3971-5418
+85239715419 +852 3971 5419 3971 5419 tel:+852-3971-5419
+85239747015 +852 3974 7015 3974 7015 tel:+852-3974-7015
+85239747018 +852 3974 7018 3974 7018 tel:+852-3974-7018
+85239747036 +852 3974 7036 3974 7036 tel:+852-3974-7036
+85239747041 +852 3974 7041 3974 7041 tel:+852-3974-7041
+85239747049 +852 3974 7049 3974 7049 tel:+852-3974-7049
+85239747063 +852 3974 7063 3974 7063 tel:+852-3974-7063
+85239747065 +852 3974 7065 3974 7065 tel:+852-3974-7065
+85239747066 +852 3974 7066 3974 7066 tel:+852-3974-7066
+85239747072 +852 3974 7072 3974 7072 tel:+852-3974-7072
+85239747078 +852 3974 7078 3974 7078 tel:+852-3974-7078
+85239747081 +852 3974 7081 3974 7081 tel:+852-3974-7081
+85239747089 +852 3974 7089 3974 7089 tel:+852-3974-7089
+85239754822 +852 3975 4822 3975 4822 tel:+852-3975-4822
+85239799014 +852 3979 9014 3979 9014 tel:+852-3979-9014
+85239799016 +852 3979 9016 3979 9016 tel:+852-3979-9016
+85239799306 +852 3979 9306 3979 9306 tel:+852-3979-9306
+85239799337 +852 3979 9337 3979 9337 tel:+852-3979-9337
+85254247990 +852 5424 7990 5424 7990 tel:+852-5424-7990
+85265657246 +852 6565 7246 6565 7246 tel:+852-6565-7246
+85251993197 +852 5199 3197 5199 3197 tel:+852-5199-3197
+85269294472 +852 6929 4472 6929 4472 tel:+852-6929-4472
+85265697946 +852 6569 7946 6569 7946 tel:+852-6569-7946
+85259805730 +852 5980 5730 5980 5730 tel:+852-5980-5730
+85295261128 +852 9526 1128 9526 1128 tel:+852-9526-1128
+85267539117 +852 6753 9117 6753 9117 tel:+852-6753-9117
+85260508406 +852 6050 8406 6050 8406 tel:+852-6050-8406
+85262553641 +852 6255 3641 6255 3641 tel:+852-6255-3641
+85262305458 +852 6230 5458 6230 5458 tel:+852-6230-5458
+852198616907 +852 198616907 198616907 tel:+852-198616907
+85259446144 +852 5944 6144 5944 6144 tel:+852-5944-6144
+85253798874 +852 5379 8874 5379 8874 tel:+852-5379-8874
+85225436169 +852 2543 6169 2543 6169 tel:+852-2543-6169