Reported phone numbers in Hong Kong (+852)

Local time
Hong Kong SAR China
3:04:28 PM
Emergency phone number
Hong Kong SAR China
Hong Kong
City of Victoria
Country Calling Code: +852
E.164 (Country Code): 852
Emergency phone number: 999
Capital: City of Victoria
Language: Chinese
Valuta: Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)
Local Time: 15:04:28
Time difference: 8 hours ahead of you
Timezone: Asia/Hong_Kong
Population: 6 898 686
Land Area: 1 092 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Hong Kong without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Hong Kong but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Hong Kong / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +852 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Hong Kong SAR China is 15:04:28.

Reported phone numbers in Hong Kong SAR China

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+85234230743 +852 3423 0743 3423 0743 tel:+852-3423-0743
+85234230752 +852 3423 0752 3423 0752 tel:+852-3423-0752
+85234230760 +852 3423 0760 3423 0760 tel:+852-3423-0760
+85234230763 +852 3423 0763 3423 0763 tel:+852-3423-0763
+85234230765 +852 3423 0765 3423 0765 tel:+852-3423-0765
+85234230770 +852 3423 0770 3423 0770 tel:+852-3423-0770
+85234230776 +852 3423 0776 3423 0776 tel:+852-3423-0776
+85234230778 +852 3423 0778 3423 0778 tel:+852-3423-0778
+85234230779 +852 3423 0779 3423 0779 tel:+852-3423-0779
+85234230781 +852 3423 0781 3423 0781 tel:+852-3423-0781
+85234230784 +852 3423 0784 3423 0784 tel:+852-3423-0784
+85234230797 +852 3423 0797 3423 0797 tel:+852-3423-0797
+85234230798 +852 3423 0798 3423 0798 tel:+852-3423-0798
+85234671402 +852 3467 1402 3467 1402 tel:+852-3467-1402
+85234671409 +852 3467 1409 3467 1409 tel:+852-3467-1409
+85234995744 +852 3499 5744 3499 5744 tel:+852-3499-5744
+85235937390 +852 3593 7390 3593 7390 tel:+852-3593-7390
+85236965082 +852 3696 5082 3696 5082 tel:+852-3696-5082
+85236965118 +852 3696 5118 3696 5118 tel:+852-3696-5118
+85237014007 +852 3701 4007 3701 4007 tel:+852-3701-4007
+85237014017 +852 3701 4017 3701 4017 tel:+852-3701-4017
+85237014019 +852 3701 4019 3701 4019 tel:+852-3701-4019
+85237014204 +852 3701 4204 3701 4204 tel:+852-3701-4204
+85237014207 +852 3701 4207 3701 4207 tel:+852-3701-4207
+85237014254 +852 3701 4254 3701 4254 tel:+852-3701-4254
+85237014602 +852 3701 4602 3701 4602 tel:+852-3701-4602
+85237014604 +852 3701 4604 3701 4604 tel:+852-3701-4604
+85237202301 +852 3720 2301 3720 2301 tel:+852-3720-2301
+85237202310 +852 3720 2310 3720 2310 tel:+852-3720-2310
+85237202328 +852 3720 2328 3720 2328 tel:+852-3720-2328
+85237202439 +852 3720 2439 3720 2439 tel:+852-3720-2439
+85237213206 +852 3721 3206 3721 3206 tel:+852-3721-3206
+85237213240 +852 3721 3240 3721 3240 tel:+852-3721-3240
+85237213261 +852 3721 3261 3721 3261 tel:+852-3721-3261
+85237221700 +852 3722 1700 3722 1700 tel:+852-3722-1700
+85237235995 +852 3723 5995 3723 5995 tel:+852-3723-5995
+85237236534 +852 3723 6534 3723 6534 tel:+852-3723-6534
+85237240106 +852 3724 0106 3724 0106 tel:+852-3724-0106
+85237246498 +852 3724 6498 3724 6498 tel:+852-3724-6498
+85237260255 +852 3726 0255 3726 0255 tel:+852-3726-0255
+85237261014 +852 3726 1014 3726 1014 tel:+852-3726-1014
+85237262075 +852 3726 2075 3726 2075 tel:+852-3726-2075
+85237262600 +852 3726 2600 3726 2600 tel:+852-3726-2600
+85237266027 +852 3726 6027 3726 6027 tel:+852-3726-6027
+85237268480 +852 3726 8480 3726 8480 tel:+852-3726-8480
+85237270800 +852 3727 0800 3727 0800 tel:+852-3727-0800
+85237422044 +852 3742 2044 3742 2044 tel:+852-3742-2044
+85237422196 +852 3742 2196 3742 2196 tel:+852-3742-2196
+85237422584 +852 3742 2584 3742 2584 tel:+852-3742-2584
+85237422607 +852 3742 2607 3742 2607 tel:+852-3742-2607