Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 08:31
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 08:31.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393270339016 +39 327 033 9016 327 033 9016 tel:+39-327-033-9016
+393270422643 +39 327 042 2643 327 042 2643 tel:+39-327-042-2643
+393270436786 +39 327 043 6786 327 043 6786 tel:+39-327-043-6786
+393270447085 +39 327 044 7085 327 044 7085 tel:+39-327-044-7085
+393270450889 +39 327 045 0889 327 045 0889 tel:+39-327-045-0889
+393270481337 +39 327 048 1337 327 048 1337 tel:+39-327-048-1337
+393270508939 +39 327 050 8939 327 050 8939 tel:+39-327-050-8939
+393270531550 +39 327 053 1550 327 053 1550 tel:+39-327-053-1550
+393270540277 +39 327 054 0277 327 054 0277 tel:+39-327-054-0277
+393270629683 +39 327 062 9683 327 062 9683 tel:+39-327-062-9683
+393270663662 +39 327 066 3662 327 066 3662 tel:+39-327-066-3662
+393270682762 +39 327 068 2762 327 068 2762 tel:+39-327-068-2762
+393270689825 +39 327 068 9825 327 068 9825 tel:+39-327-068-9825
+393270692083 +39 327 069 2083 327 069 2083 tel:+39-327-069-2083
+393270775433 +39 327 077 5433 327 077 5433 tel:+39-327-077-5433
+393270795505 +39 327 079 5505 327 079 5505 tel:+39-327-079-5505
+393270930466 +39 327 093 0466 327 093 0466 tel:+39-327-093-0466
+393270930470 +39 327 093 0470 327 093 0470 tel:+39-327-093-0470
+393270932177 +39 327 093 2177 327 093 2177 tel:+39-327-093-2177
+393270996582 +39 327 099 6582 327 099 6582 tel:+39-327-099-6582
+393271045706 +39 327 104 5706 327 104 5706 tel:+39-327-104-5706
+393271051034 +39 327 105 1034 327 105 1034 tel:+39-327-105-1034
+393271066222 +39 327 106 6222 327 106 6222 tel:+39-327-106-6222
+393271133002 +39 327 113 3002 327 113 3002 tel:+39-327-113-3002
+393271138230 +39 327 113 8230 327 113 8230 tel:+39-327-113-8230
+393271139160 +39 327 113 9160 327 113 9160 tel:+39-327-113-9160
+393271149396 +39 327 114 9396 327 114 9396 tel:+39-327-114-9396
+393271153546 +39 327 115 3546 327 115 3546 tel:+39-327-115-3546
+393271171918 +39 327 117 1918 327 117 1918 tel:+39-327-117-1918
+393271193960 +39 327 119 3960 327 119 3960 tel:+39-327-119-3960
+393271230871 +39 327 123 0871 327 123 0871 tel:+39-327-123-0871
+393271294355 +39 327 129 4355 327 129 4355 tel:+39-327-129-4355
+393271340582 +39 327 134 0582 327 134 0582 tel:+39-327-134-0582
+393271444329 +39 327 144 4329 327 144 4329 tel:+39-327-144-4329
+393271444330 +39 327 144 4330 327 144 4330 tel:+39-327-144-4330
+393271444331 +39 327 144 4331 327 144 4331 tel:+39-327-144-4331
+393271444334 +39 327 144 4334 327 144 4334 tel:+39-327-144-4334
+393271444335 +39 327 144 4335 327 144 4335 tel:+39-327-144-4335
+393271444339 +39 327 144 4339 327 144 4339 tel:+39-327-144-4339
+393271444340 +39 327 144 4340 327 144 4340 tel:+39-327-144-4340
+393271444344 +39 327 144 4344 327 144 4344 tel:+39-327-144-4344
+393271444346 +39 327 144 4346 327 144 4346 tel:+39-327-144-4346
+393271520420 +39 327 152 0420 327 152 0420 tel:+39-327-152-0420
+393271616196 +39 327 161 6196 327 161 6196 tel:+39-327-161-6196
+393271626907 +39 327 162 6907 327 162 6907 tel:+39-327-162-6907
+393271705430 +39 327 170 5430 327 170 5430 tel:+39-327-170-5430
+393271724213 +39 327 172 4213 327 172 4213 tel:+39-327-172-4213
+393271944251 +39 327 194 4251 327 194 4251 tel:+39-327-194-4251
+393272016542 +39 327 201 6542 327 201 6542 tel:+39-327-201-6542
+393272066596 +39 327 206 6596 327 206 6596 tel:+39-327-206-6596