Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 03:44
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 03:44.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+39287250893 +39 287250893 287250893 tel:+39-287250893
+393483640847 +39 348 364 0847 348 364 0847 tel:+39-348-364-0847
+393467261937 +39 346 726 1937 346 726 1937 tel:+39-346-726-1937
+393495313871 +39 349 531 3871 349 531 3871 tel:+39-349-531-3871
+393775646362 +39 377 564 6362 377 564 6362 tel:+39-377-564-6362
+393453042466 +39 345 304 2466 345 304 2466 tel:+39-345-304-2466
+393533743657 +39 353 374 3657 353 374 3657 tel:+39-353-374-3657
+393357926660 +39 335 792 6660 335 792 6660 tel:+39-335-792-6660
+393461255406 +39 346 125 5406 346 125 5406 tel:+39-346-125-5406
+393487255070 +39 348 725 5070 348 725 5070 tel:+39-348-725-5070
+393714913427 +39 371 491 3427 371 491 3427 tel:+39-371-491-3427
+393489641070 +39 348 964 1070 348 964 1070 tel:+39-348-964-1070
+393476945629 +39 347 694 5629 347 694 5629 tel:+39-347-694-5629
+393492597297 +39 349 259 7297 349 259 7297 tel:+39-349-259-7297
+393401716005 +39 340 171 6005 340 171 6005 tel:+39-340-171-6005
+393453945563 +39 345 394 5563 345 394 5563 tel:+39-345-394-5563
+393470226610 +39 347 022 6610 347 022 6610 tel:+39-347-022-6610
+393774004361 +39 377 400 4361 377 400 4361 tel:+39-377-400-4361
+393396671815 +39 339 667 1815 339 667 1815 tel:+39-339-667-1815
+393501639493 +39 350 163 9493 350 163 9493 tel:+39-350-163-9493
+393409037778 +39 340 903 7778 340 903 7778 tel:+39-340-903-7778
+393445906447 +39 344 590 6447 344 590 6447 tel:+39-344-590-6447
+393459624356 +39 345 962 4356 345 962 4356 tel:+39-345-962-4356
+393485756341 +39 348 575 6341 348 575 6341 tel:+39-348-575-6341
+393428532363 +39 342 853 2363 342 853 2363 tel:+39-342-853-2363
+393420097457 +39 342 009 7457 342 009 7457 tel:+39-342-009-7457
+393453332054 +39 345 333 2054 345 333 2054 tel:+39-345-333-2054
+393316745757 +39 331 674 5757 331 674 5757 tel:+39-331-674-5757
+393442940491 +39 344 294 0491 344 294 0491 tel:+39-344-294-0491
+393475212145 +39 347 521 2145 347 521 2145 tel:+39-347-521-2145
+393401011389 +39 340 101 1389 340 101 1389 tel:+39-340-101-1389
+393477316295 +39 347 731 6295 347 731 6295 tel:+39-347-731-6295
+393312547785 +39 331 254 7785 331 254 7785 tel:+39-331-254-7785
+393423381536 +39 342 338 1536 342 338 1536 tel:+39-342-338-1536
+393408022055 +39 340 802 2055 340 802 2055 tel:+39-340-802-2055
+393336323857 +39 333 632 3857 333 632 3857 tel:+39-333-632-3857
+393477857239 +39 347 785 7239 347 785 7239 tel:+39-347-785-7239
+393280974005 +39 328 097 4005 328 097 4005 tel:+39-328-097-4005
+393425091466 +39 342 509 1466 342 509 1466 tel:+39-342-509-1466
+393464905316 +39 346 490 5316 346 490 5316 tel:+39-346-490-5316
+393428137941 +39 342 813 7941 342 813 7941 tel:+39-342-813-7941
+393478213609 +39 347 821 3609 347 821 3609 tel:+39-347-821-3609
+393791172954 +39 379 117 2954 379 117 2954 tel:+39-379-117-2954
+393454201044 +39 345 420 1044 345 420 1044 tel:+39-345-420-1044
+393773611298 +39 377 361 1298 377 361 1298 tel:+39-377-361-1298
+393405297770 +39 340 529 7770 340 529 7770 tel:+39-340-529-7770
+393465045304 +39 346 504 5304 346 504 5304 tel:+39-346-504-5304
+393427068009 +39 342 706 8009 342 706 8009 tel:+39-342-706-8009
+393462676834 +39 346 267 6834 346 267 6834 tel:+39-346-267-6834
+393468051993 +39 346 805 1993 346 805 1993 tel:+39-346-805-1993