Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 14:33
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 14:33.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393386266651 +39 338 626 6651 338 626 6651 tel:+39-338-626-6651
+393386289410 +39 338 628 9410 338 628 9410 tel:+39-338-628-9410
+393386314408 +39 338 631 4408 338 631 4408 tel:+39-338-631-4408
+393386339142 +39 338 633 9142 338 633 9142 tel:+39-338-633-9142
+393386385721 +39 338 638 5721 338 638 5721 tel:+39-338-638-5721
+393386412178 +39 338 641 2178 338 641 2178 tel:+39-338-641-2178
+393386412977 +39 338 641 2977 338 641 2977 tel:+39-338-641-2977
+393386419852 +39 338 641 9852 338 641 9852 tel:+39-338-641-9852
+393386469447 +39 338 646 9447 338 646 9447 tel:+39-338-646-9447
+393386497535 +39 338 649 7535 338 649 7535 tel:+39-338-649-7535
+393386503302 +39 338 650 3302 338 650 3302 tel:+39-338-650-3302
+393386573775 +39 338 657 3775 338 657 3775 tel:+39-338-657-3775
+393386605340 +39 338 660 5340 338 660 5340 tel:+39-338-660-5340
+393386615789 +39 338 661 5789 338 661 5789 tel:+39-338-661-5789
+393386625703 +39 338 662 5703 338 662 5703 tel:+39-338-662-5703
+393386637870 +39 338 663 7870 338 663 7870 tel:+39-338-663-7870
+393386703170 +39 338 670 3170 338 670 3170 tel:+39-338-670-3170
+393386708850 +39 338 670 8850 338 670 8850 tel:+39-338-670-8850
+393386735051 +39 338 673 5051 338 673 5051 tel:+39-338-673-5051
+393386736956 +39 338 673 6956 338 673 6956 tel:+39-338-673-6956
+393386747766 +39 338 674 7766 338 674 7766 tel:+39-338-674-7766
+393386752724 +39 338 675 2724 338 675 2724 tel:+39-338-675-2724
+393386754706 +39 338 675 4706 338 675 4706 tel:+39-338-675-4706
+393386759031 +39 338 675 9031 338 675 9031 tel:+39-338-675-9031
+393386764991 +39 338 676 4991 338 676 4991 tel:+39-338-676-4991
+393386776226 +39 338 677 6226 338 677 6226 tel:+39-338-677-6226
+393386857839 +39 338 685 7839 338 685 7839 tel:+39-338-685-7839
+393386884114 +39 338 688 4114 338 688 4114 tel:+39-338-688-4114
+393387020595 +39 338 702 0595 338 702 0595 tel:+39-338-702-0595
+393387115612 +39 338 711 5612 338 711 5612 tel:+39-338-711-5612
+393387196627 +39 338 719 6627 338 719 6627 tel:+39-338-719-6627
+393387260328 +39 338 726 0328 338 726 0328 tel:+39-338-726-0328
+393387260965 +39 338 726 0965 338 726 0965 tel:+39-338-726-0965
+393387273459 +39 338 727 3459 338 727 3459 tel:+39-338-727-3459
+393387375614 +39 338 737 5614 338 737 5614 tel:+39-338-737-5614
+393387600342 +39 338 760 0342 338 760 0342 tel:+39-338-760-0342
+393387606981 +39 338 760 6981 338 760 6981 tel:+39-338-760-6981
+393387662971 +39 338 766 2971 338 766 2971 tel:+39-338-766-2971
+393387754039 +39 338 775 4039 338 775 4039 tel:+39-338-775-4039
+393387942104 +39 338 794 2104 338 794 2104 tel:+39-338-794-2104
+393387966035 +39 338 796 6035 338 796 6035 tel:+39-338-796-6035
+39338801472 +39 338 801 472 338 801 472 tel:+39-338-801-472
+393388131361 +39 338 813 1361 338 813 1361 tel:+39-338-813-1361
+393388341804 +39 338 834 1804 338 834 1804 tel:+39-338-834-1804
+393388365995 +39 338 836 5995 338 836 5995 tel:+39-338-836-5995
+393388488626 +39 338 848 8626 338 848 8626 tel:+39-338-848-8626
+393388560604 +39 338 856 0604 338 856 0604 tel:+39-338-856-0604
+393388826421 +39 338 882 6421 338 882 6421 tel:+39-338-882-6421
+393388826439 +39 338 882 6439 338 882 6439 tel:+39-338-882-6439
+393388881167 +39 338 888 1167 338 888 1167 tel:+39-338-888-1167