Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 10:37
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 10:37.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393442666106 +39 344 266 6106 344 266 6106 tel:+39-344-266-6106
+393442900074 +39 344 290 0074 344 290 0074 tel:+39-344-290-0074
+393442903683 +39 344 290 3683 344 290 3683 tel:+39-344-290-3683
+393442914626 +39 344 291 4626 344 291 4626 tel:+39-344-291-4626
+393442926478 +39 344 292 6478 344 292 6478 tel:+39-344-292-6478
+393442950192 +39 344 295 0192 344 295 0192 tel:+39-344-295-0192
+393443471735 +39 344 347 1735 344 347 1735 tel:+39-344-347-1735
+393443472454 +39 344 347 2454 344 347 2454 tel:+39-344-347-2454
+393443845818 +39 344 384 5818 344 384 5818 tel:+39-344-384-5818
+393443898422 +39 344 389 8422 344 389 8422 tel:+39-344-389-8422
+393446223861 +39 344 622 3861 344 622 3861 tel:+39-344-622-3861
+393450002085 +39 345 000 2085 345 000 2085 tel:+39-345-000-2085
+393450053878 +39 345 005 3878 345 005 3878 tel:+39-345-005-3878
+393450118194 +39 345 011 8194 345 011 8194 tel:+39-345-011-8194
+393450121585 +39 345 012 1585 345 012 1585 tel:+39-345-012-1585
+393450180221 +39 345 018 0221 345 018 0221 tel:+39-345-018-0221
+393450186456 +39 345 018 6456 345 018 6456 tel:+39-345-018-6456
+393450240098 +39 345 024 0098 345 024 0098 tel:+39-345-024-0098
+393450279774 +39 345 027 9774 345 027 9774 tel:+39-345-027-9774
+393450296866 +39 345 029 6866 345 029 6866 tel:+39-345-029-6866
+393450297674 +39 345 029 7674 345 029 7674 tel:+39-345-029-7674
+393450303078 +39 345 030 3078 345 030 3078 tel:+39-345-030-3078
+393450334001 +39 345 033 4001 345 033 4001 tel:+39-345-033-4001
+393450345973 +39 345 034 5973 345 034 5973 tel:+39-345-034-5973
+393450381835 +39 345 038 1835 345 038 1835 tel:+39-345-038-1835
+393450388082 +39 345 038 8082 345 038 8082 tel:+39-345-038-8082
+393450409763 +39 345 040 9763 345 040 9763 tel:+39-345-040-9763
+393450431907 +39 345 043 1907 345 043 1907 tel:+39-345-043-1907
+393450436432 +39 345 043 6432 345 043 6432 tel:+39-345-043-6432
+393450437475 +39 345 043 7475 345 043 7475 tel:+39-345-043-7475
+393450534182 +39 345 053 4182 345 053 4182 tel:+39-345-053-4182
+393450551514 +39 345 055 1514 345 055 1514 tel:+39-345-055-1514
+393450576653 +39 345 057 6653 345 057 6653 tel:+39-345-057-6653
+393450610455 +39 345 061 0455 345 061 0455 tel:+39-345-061-0455
+393450645468 +39 345 064 5468 345 064 5468 tel:+39-345-064-5468
+393450657529 +39 345 065 7529 345 065 7529 tel:+39-345-065-7529
+393450676404 +39 345 067 6404 345 067 6404 tel:+39-345-067-6404
+393450685222 +39 345 068 5222 345 068 5222 tel:+39-345-068-5222
+393450685786 +39 345 068 5786 345 068 5786 tel:+39-345-068-5786
+393450688938 +39 345 068 8938 345 068 8938 tel:+39-345-068-8938
+393450775681 +39 345 077 5681 345 077 5681 tel:+39-345-077-5681
+393450846421 +39 345 084 6421 345 084 6421 tel:+39-345-084-6421
+393450846575 +39 345 084 6575 345 084 6575 tel:+39-345-084-6575
+393450857172 +39 345 085 7172 345 085 7172 tel:+39-345-085-7172
+393450873516 +39 345 087 3516 345 087 3516 tel:+39-345-087-3516
+393450885407 +39 345 088 5407 345 088 5407 tel:+39-345-088-5407
+393450916227 +39 345 091 6227 345 091 6227 tel:+39-345-091-6227
+393450996777 +39 345 099 6777 345 099 6777 tel:+39-345-099-6777
+393451002592 +39 345 100 2592 345 100 2592 tel:+39-345-100-2592
+393451003535 +39 345 100 3535 345 100 3535 tel:+39-345-100-3535