Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 09:58
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 09:58.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393451025499 +39 345 102 5499 345 102 5499 tel:+39-345-102-5499
+393451029097 +39 345 102 9097 345 102 9097 tel:+39-345-102-9097
+393451062675 +39 345 106 2675 345 106 2675 tel:+39-345-106-2675
+393451062815 +39 345 106 2815 345 106 2815 tel:+39-345-106-2815
+393451079784 +39 345 107 9784 345 107 9784 tel:+39-345-107-9784
+393451086810 +39 345 108 6810 345 108 6810 tel:+39-345-108-6810
+393451164808 +39 345 116 4808 345 116 4808 tel:+39-345-116-4808
+393451182370 +39 345 118 2370 345 118 2370 tel:+39-345-118-2370
+393451183963 +39 345 118 3963 345 118 3963 tel:+39-345-118-3963
+393451207283 +39 345 120 7283 345 120 7283 tel:+39-345-120-7283
+393451262443 +39 345 126 2443 345 126 2443 tel:+39-345-126-2443
+393451278534 +39 345 127 8534 345 127 8534 tel:+39-345-127-8534
+393451296502 +39 345 129 6502 345 129 6502 tel:+39-345-129-6502
+393451299669 +39 345 129 9669 345 129 9669 tel:+39-345-129-9669
+393451308156 +39 345 130 8156 345 130 8156 tel:+39-345-130-8156
+393451361587 +39 345 136 1587 345 136 1587 tel:+39-345-136-1587
+393451428214 +39 345 142 8214 345 142 8214 tel:+39-345-142-8214
+393451442383 +39 345 144 2383 345 144 2383 tel:+39-345-144-2383
+393451483276 +39 345 148 3276 345 148 3276 tel:+39-345-148-3276
+393451487423 +39 345 148 7423 345 148 7423 tel:+39-345-148-7423
+393451516863 +39 345 151 6863 345 151 6863 tel:+39-345-151-6863
+393451516963 +39 345 151 6963 345 151 6963 tel:+39-345-151-6963
+393451533449 +39 345 153 3449 345 153 3449 tel:+39-345-153-3449
+393451565205 +39 345 156 5205 345 156 5205 tel:+39-345-156-5205
+393451680087 +39 345 168 0087 345 168 0087 tel:+39-345-168-0087
+393451687319 +39 345 168 7319 345 168 7319 tel:+39-345-168-7319
+393451803676 +39 345 180 3676 345 180 3676 tel:+39-345-180-3676
+393452119614 +39 345 211 9614 345 211 9614 tel:+39-345-211-9614
+393452166443 +39 345 216 6443 345 216 6443 tel:+39-345-216-6443
+393452232751 +39 345 223 2751 345 223 2751 tel:+39-345-223-2751
+393452233253 +39 345 223 3253 345 223 3253 tel:+39-345-223-3253
+393452237782 +39 345 223 7782 345 223 7782 tel:+39-345-223-7782
+393452258466 +39 345 225 8466 345 225 8466 tel:+39-345-225-8466
+393452284093 +39 345 228 4093 345 228 4093 tel:+39-345-228-4093
+393452298977 +39 345 229 8977 345 229 8977 tel:+39-345-229-8977
+393452300670 +39 345 230 0670 345 230 0670 tel:+39-345-230-0670
+393452312587 +39 345 231 2587 345 231 2587 tel:+39-345-231-2587
+393452312725 +39 345 231 2725 345 231 2725 tel:+39-345-231-2725
+393452313349 +39 345 231 3349 345 231 3349 tel:+39-345-231-3349
+393452369137 +39 345 236 9137 345 236 9137 tel:+39-345-236-9137
+393452384580 +39 345 238 4580 345 238 4580 tel:+39-345-238-4580
+393452396728 +39 345 239 6728 345 239 6728 tel:+39-345-239-6728
+393452414871 +39 345 241 4871 345 241 4871 tel:+39-345-241-4871
+393452425076 +39 345 242 5076 345 242 5076 tel:+39-345-242-5076
+393452436141 +39 345 243 6141 345 243 6141 tel:+39-345-243-6141
+393452500394 +39 345 250 0394 345 250 0394 tel:+39-345-250-0394
+393452525616 +39 345 252 5616 345 252 5616 tel:+39-345-252-5616
+393452533799 +39 345 253 3799 345 253 3799 tel:+39-345-253-3799
+393452541115 +39 345 254 1115 345 254 1115 tel:+39-345-254-1115
+393452579279 +39 345 257 9279 345 257 9279 tel:+39-345-257-9279