Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 06:59
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 06:59.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393452596732 +39 345 259 6732 345 259 6732 tel:+39-345-259-6732
+393452597991 +39 345 259 7991 345 259 7991 tel:+39-345-259-7991
+393452599461 +39 345 259 9461 345 259 9461 tel:+39-345-259-9461
+393452600036 +39 345 260 0036 345 260 0036 tel:+39-345-260-0036
+393452600232 +39 345 260 0232 345 260 0232 tel:+39-345-260-0232
+393452600712 +39 345 260 0712 345 260 0712 tel:+39-345-260-0712
+393452661448 +39 345 266 1448 345 266 1448 tel:+39-345-266-1448
+393452663409 +39 345 266 3409 345 266 3409 tel:+39-345-266-3409
+393452665889 +39 345 266 5889 345 266 5889 tel:+39-345-266-5889
+393452685618 +39 345 268 5618 345 268 5618 tel:+39-345-268-5618
+393452801015 +39 345 280 1015 345 280 1015 tel:+39-345-280-1015
+393452811884 +39 345 281 1884 345 281 1884 tel:+39-345-281-1884
+393452819960 +39 345 281 9960 345 281 9960 tel:+39-345-281-9960
+393452884118 +39 345 288 4118 345 288 4118 tel:+39-345-288-4118
+393452900058 +39 345 290 0058 345 290 0058 tel:+39-345-290-0058
+393452972546 +39 345 297 2546 345 297 2546 tel:+39-345-297-2546
+393453000178 +39 345 300 0178 345 300 0178 tel:+39-345-300-0178
+393453000637 +39 345 300 0637 345 300 0637 tel:+39-345-300-0637
+393453012036 +39 345 301 2036 345 301 2036 tel:+39-345-301-2036
+393453226789 +39 345 322 6789 345 322 6789 tel:+39-345-322-6789
+393453304329 +39 345 330 4329 345 330 4329 tel:+39-345-330-4329
+393453397134 +39 345 339 7134 345 339 7134 tel:+39-345-339-7134
+393453414842 +39 345 341 4842 345 341 4842 tel:+39-345-341-4842
+393453473325 +39 345 347 3325 345 347 3325 tel:+39-345-347-3325
+393453475609 +39 345 347 5609 345 347 5609 tel:+39-345-347-5609
+393453581063 +39 345 358 1063 345 358 1063 tel:+39-345-358-1063
+393453591295 +39 345 359 1295 345 359 1295 tel:+39-345-359-1295
+393453625908 +39 345 362 5908 345 362 5908 tel:+39-345-362-5908
+393453626378 +39 345 362 6378 345 362 6378 tel:+39-345-362-6378
+393453637083 +39 345 363 7083 345 363 7083 tel:+39-345-363-7083
+393453637131 +39 345 363 7131 345 363 7131 tel:+39-345-363-7131
+393453690179 +39 345 369 0179 345 369 0179 tel:+39-345-369-0179
+393453788602 +39 345 378 8602 345 378 8602 tel:+39-345-378-8602
+393453790516 +39 345 379 0516 345 379 0516 tel:+39-345-379-0516
+393453793529 +39 345 379 3529 345 379 3529 tel:+39-345-379-3529
+393453888445 +39 345 388 8445 345 388 8445 tel:+39-345-388-8445
+393453892069 +39 345 389 2069 345 389 2069 tel:+39-345-389-2069
+393453950818 +39 345 395 0818 345 395 0818 tel:+39-345-395-0818
+393453956312 +39 345 395 6312 345 395 6312 tel:+39-345-395-6312
+393454006677 +39 345 400 6677 345 400 6677 tel:+39-345-400-6677
+393454010424 +39 345 401 0424 345 401 0424 tel:+39-345-401-0424
+393454021622 +39 345 402 1622 345 402 1622 tel:+39-345-402-1622
+393454025096 +39 345 402 5096 345 402 5096 tel:+39-345-402-5096
+393454172732 +39 345 417 2732 345 417 2732 tel:+39-345-417-2732
+393454174558 +39 345 417 4558 345 417 4558 tel:+39-345-417-4558
+393454188088 +39 345 418 8088 345 418 8088 tel:+39-345-418-8088
+393454226003 +39 345 422 6003 345 422 6003 tel:+39-345-422-6003
+393454228373 +39 345 422 8373 345 422 8373 tel:+39-345-422-8373
+393454447904 +39 345 444 7904 345 444 7904 tel:+39-345-444-7904
+393454451730 +39 345 445 1730 345 445 1730 tel:+39-345-445-1730