Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 05:53
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 05:53.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393454515981 +39 345 451 5981 345 451 5981 tel:+39-345-451-5981
+393454524941 +39 345 452 4941 345 452 4941 tel:+39-345-452-4941
+393454543108 +39 345 454 3108 345 454 3108 tel:+39-345-454-3108
+393454570031 +39 345 457 0031 345 457 0031 tel:+39-345-457-0031
+393454586722 +39 345 458 6722 345 458 6722 tel:+39-345-458-6722
+393454600375 +39 345 460 0375 345 460 0375 tel:+39-345-460-0375
+393454628207 +39 345 462 8207 345 462 8207 tel:+39-345-462-8207
+393454733016 +39 345 473 3016 345 473 3016 tel:+39-345-473-3016
+393454758016 +39 345 475 8016 345 475 8016 tel:+39-345-475-8016
+393454767717 +39 345 476 7717 345 476 7717 tel:+39-345-476-7717
+393454778171 +39 345 477 8171 345 477 8171 tel:+39-345-477-8171
+393454841790 +39 345 484 1790 345 484 1790 tel:+39-345-484-1790
+393454847615 +39 345 484 7615 345 484 7615 tel:+39-345-484-7615
+393454910050 +39 345 491 0050 345 491 0050 tel:+39-345-491-0050
+393455009228 +39 345 500 9228 345 500 9228 tel:+39-345-500-9228
+393455014062 +39 345 501 4062 345 501 4062 tel:+39-345-501-4062
+393455071086 +39 345 507 1086 345 507 1086 tel:+39-345-507-1086
+393455129938 +39 345 512 9938 345 512 9938 tel:+39-345-512-9938
+393455132670 +39 345 513 2670 345 513 2670 tel:+39-345-513-2670
+393455245463 +39 345 524 5463 345 524 5463 tel:+39-345-524-5463
+393455247258 +39 345 524 7258 345 524 7258 tel:+39-345-524-7258
+393455259721 +39 345 525 9721 345 525 9721 tel:+39-345-525-9721
+393455263099 +39 345 526 3099 345 526 3099 tel:+39-345-526-3099
+393455273236 +39 345 527 3236 345 527 3236 tel:+39-345-527-3236
+393455325811 +39 345 532 5811 345 532 5811 tel:+39-345-532-5811
+393455329275 +39 345 532 9275 345 532 9275 tel:+39-345-532-9275
+393455380836 +39 345 538 0836 345 538 0836 tel:+39-345-538-0836
+393455447402 +39 345 544 7402 345 544 7402 tel:+39-345-544-7402
+393455663853 +39 345 566 3853 345 566 3853 tel:+39-345-566-3853
+393455671784 +39 345 567 1784 345 567 1784 tel:+39-345-567-1784
+393455673295 +39 345 567 3295 345 567 3295 tel:+39-345-567-3295
+393455737508 +39 345 573 7508 345 573 7508 tel:+39-345-573-7508
+393455794574 +39 345 579 4574 345 579 4574 tel:+39-345-579-4574
+393455796280 +39 345 579 6280 345 579 6280 tel:+39-345-579-6280
+393455842390 +39 345 584 2390 345 584 2390 tel:+39-345-584-2390
+393455852111 +39 345 585 2111 345 585 2111 tel:+39-345-585-2111
+393455882281 +39 345 588 2281 345 588 2281 tel:+39-345-588-2281
+393455956630 +39 345 595 6630 345 595 6630 tel:+39-345-595-6630
+393455987174 +39 345 598 7174 345 598 7174 tel:+39-345-598-7174
+393455988443 +39 345 598 8443 345 598 8443 tel:+39-345-598-8443
+393456109862 +39 345 610 9862 345 610 9862 tel:+39-345-610-9862
+393456151612 +39 345 615 1612 345 615 1612 tel:+39-345-615-1612
+393456172898 +39 345 617 2898 345 617 2898 tel:+39-345-617-2898
+393456184880 +39 345 618 4880 345 618 4880 tel:+39-345-618-4880
+393456226647 +39 345 622 6647 345 622 6647 tel:+39-345-622-6647
+393456272643 +39 345 627 2643 345 627 2643 tel:+39-345-627-2643
+393456273594 +39 345 627 3594 345 627 3594 tel:+39-345-627-3594
+393456278387 +39 345 627 8387 345 627 8387 tel:+39-345-627-8387
+393456293125 +39 345 629 3125 345 629 3125 tel:+39-345-629-3125
+393456296338 +39 345 629 6338 345 629 6338 tel:+39-345-629-6338