Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 01:17
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 01:17.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393246326115 +39 324 632 6115 324 632 6115 tel:+39-324-632-6115
+393246399610 +39 324 639 9610 324 639 9610 tel:+39-324-639-9610
+393246681036 +39 324 668 1036 324 668 1036 tel:+39-324-668-1036
+393246814336 +39 324 681 4336 324 681 4336 tel:+39-324-681-4336
+393246814338 +39 324 681 4338 324 681 4338 tel:+39-324-681-4338
+393246820545 +39 324 682 0545 324 682 0545 tel:+39-324-682-0545
+393246824779 +39 324 682 4779 324 682 4779 tel:+39-324-682-4779
+393246924017 +39 324 692 4017 324 692 4017 tel:+39-324-692-4017
+393246924925 +39 324 692 4925 324 692 4925 tel:+39-324-692-4925
+393246994098 +39 324 699 4098 324 699 4098 tel:+39-324-699-4098
+393247443406 +39 324 744 3406 324 744 3406 tel:+39-324-744-3406
+393247751208 +39 324 775 1208 324 775 1208 tel:+39-324-775-1208
+393247758348 +39 324 775 8348 324 775 8348 tel:+39-324-775-8348
+393247758705 +39 324 775 8705 324 775 8705 tel:+39-324-775-8705
+393247860296 +39 324 786 0296 324 786 0296 tel:+39-324-786-0296
+393247865951 +39 324 786 5951 324 786 5951 tel:+39-324-786-5951
+393247889862 +39 324 788 9862 324 788 9862 tel:+39-324-788-9862
+393247964072 +39 324 796 4072 324 796 4072 tel:+39-324-796-4072
+393248351997 +39 324 835 1997 324 835 1997 tel:+39-324-835-1997
+393248492735 +39 324 849 2735 324 849 2735 tel:+39-324-849-2735
+393248605491 +39 324 860 5491 324 860 5491 tel:+39-324-860-5491
+393248680409 +39 324 868 0409 324 868 0409 tel:+39-324-868-0409
+393248685336 +39 324 868 5336 324 868 5336 tel:+39-324-868-5336
+393248688137 +39 324 868 8137 324 868 8137 tel:+39-324-868-8137
+393248688138 +39 324 868 8138 324 868 8138 tel:+39-324-868-8138
+393248713414 +39 324 871 3414 324 871 3414 tel:+39-324-871-3414
+393248737734 +39 324 873 7734 324 873 7734 tel:+39-324-873-7734
+393248825996 +39 324 882 5996 324 882 5996 tel:+39-324-882-5996
+393248850730 +39 324 885 0730 324 885 0730 tel:+39-324-885-0730
+393248908879 +39 324 890 8879 324 890 8879 tel:+39-324-890-8879
+393248914248 +39 324 891 4248 324 891 4248 tel:+39-324-891-4248
+393248958260 +39 324 895 8260 324 895 8260 tel:+39-324-895-8260
+393248958956 +39 324 895 8956 324 895 8956 tel:+39-324-895-8956
+393248972927 +39 324 897 2927 324 897 2927 tel:+39-324-897-2927
+393248999572 +39 324 899 9572 324 899 9572 tel:+39-324-899-9572
+393249221397 +39 324 922 1397 324 922 1397 tel:+39-324-922-1397
+393249264452 +39 324 926 4452 324 926 4452 tel:+39-324-926-4452
+393249539949 +39 324 953 9949 324 953 9949 tel:+39-324-953-9949
+393249580504 +39 324 958 0504 324 958 0504 tel:+39-324-958-0504
+393249810586 +39 324 981 0586 324 981 0586 tel:+39-324-981-0586
+393249821489 +39 324 982 1489 324 982 1489 tel:+39-324-982-1489
+393249855674 +39 324 985 5674 324 985 5674 tel:+39-324-985-5674
+393249892364 +39 324 989 2364 324 989 2364 tel:+39-324-989-2364
+393249944167 +39 324 994 4167 324 994 4167 tel:+39-324-994-4167
+393256081784 +39 325 608 1784 325 608 1784 tel:+39-325-608-1784
+393265732763 +39 326 573 2763 326 573 2763 tel:+39-326-573-2763
+393269805746 +39 326 980 5746 326 980 5746 tel:+39-326-980-5746
+393270219353 +39 327 021 9353 327 021 9353 tel:+39-327-021-9353
+393270219356 +39 327 021 9356 327 021 9356 tel:+39-327-021-9356
+393270239263 +39 327 023 9263 327 023 9263 tel:+39-327-023-9263