Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 10:13
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 10:13.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393209058651 +39 320 905 8651 320 905 8651 tel:+39-320-905-8651
+393209067431 +39 320 906 7431 320 906 7431 tel:+39-320-906-7431
+393209073706 +39 320 907 3706 320 907 3706 tel:+39-320-907-3706
+393209093730 +39 320 909 3730 320 909 3730 tel:+39-320-909-3730
+393209121800 +39 320 912 1800 320 912 1800 tel:+39-320-912-1800
+393209136529 +39 320 913 6529 320 913 6529 tel:+39-320-913-6529
+393209177084 +39 320 917 7084 320 917 7084 tel:+39-320-917-7084
+393209198281 +39 320 919 8281 320 919 8281 tel:+39-320-919-8281
+393209283385 +39 320 928 3385 320 928 3385 tel:+39-320-928-3385
+393209376365 +39 320 937 6365 320 937 6365 tel:+39-320-937-6365
+393209419752 +39 320 941 9752 320 941 9752 tel:+39-320-941-9752
+393209484260 +39 320 948 4260 320 948 4260 tel:+39-320-948-4260
+393209566228 +39 320 956 6228 320 956 6228 tel:+39-320-956-6228
+393209566529 +39 320 956 6529 320 956 6529 tel:+39-320-956-6529
+393209687342 +39 320 968 7342 320 968 7342 tel:+39-320-968-7342
+393209787061 +39 320 978 7061 320 978 7061 tel:+39-320-978-7061
+393211600063 +39 321 160 0063 321 160 0063 tel:+39-321-160-0063
+393211696997 +39 321 169 6997 321 169 6997 tel:+39-321-169-6997
+393211855167 +39 321 185 5167 321 185 5167 tel:+39-321-185-5167
+393211855530 +39 321 185 5530 321 185 5530 tel:+39-321-185-5530
+393240462937 +39 324 046 2937 324 046 2937 tel:+39-324-046-2937
+393240524538 +39 324 052 4538 324 052 4538 tel:+39-324-052-4538
+393240556189 +39 324 055 6189 324 055 6189 tel:+39-324-055-6189
+393240713646 +39 324 071 3646 324 071 3646 tel:+39-324-071-3646
+393240756161 +39 324 075 6161 324 075 6161 tel:+39-324-075-6161
+393240765843 +39 324 076 5843 324 076 5843 tel:+39-324-076-5843
+393240883793 +39 324 088 3793 324 088 3793 tel:+39-324-088-3793
+393240907000 +39 324 090 7000 324 090 7000 tel:+39-324-090-7000
+393240939753 +39 324 093 9753 324 093 9753 tel:+39-324-093-9753
+393240999619 +39 324 099 9619 324 099 9619 tel:+39-324-099-9619
+393245432281 +39 324 543 2281 324 543 2281 tel:+39-324-543-2281
+393245562810 +39 324 556 2810 324 556 2810 tel:+39-324-556-2810
+393245615273 +39 324 561 5273 324 561 5273 tel:+39-324-561-5273
+393245673306 +39 324 567 3306 324 567 3306 tel:+39-324-567-3306
+393245866957 +39 324 586 6957 324 586 6957 tel:+39-324-586-6957
+393245874804 +39 324 587 4804 324 587 4804 tel:+39-324-587-4804
+393245984321 +39 324 598 4321 324 598 4321 tel:+39-324-598-4321
+393246035071 +39 324 603 5071 324 603 5071 tel:+39-324-603-5071
+393246040950 +39 324 604 0950 324 604 0950 tel:+39-324-604-0950
+393246041234 +39 324 604 1234 324 604 1234 tel:+39-324-604-1234
+393246045016 +39 324 604 5016 324 604 5016 tel:+39-324-604-5016
+393246061610 +39 324 606 1610 324 606 1610 tel:+39-324-606-1610
+393246074483 +39 324 607 4483 324 607 4483 tel:+39-324-607-4483
+393246074486 +39 324 607 4486 324 607 4486 tel:+39-324-607-4486
+393246097602 +39 324 609 7602 324 609 7602 tel:+39-324-609-7602
+393246144573 +39 324 614 4573 324 614 4573 tel:+39-324-614-4573
+393246179649 +39 324 617 9649 324 617 9649 tel:+39-324-617-9649
+393246179723 +39 324 617 9723 324 617 9723 tel:+39-324-617-9723
+393246228470 +39 324 622 8470 324 622 8470 tel:+39-324-622-8470
+393246277840 +39 324 627 7840 324 627 7840 tel:+39-324-627-7840