Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 17:13
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 17:13.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393701237872 +39 370 123 7872 370 123 7872 tel:+39-370-123-7872
+393701237880 +39 370 123 7880 370 123 7880 tel:+39-370-123-7880
+393701237882 +39 370 123 7882 370 123 7882 tel:+39-370-123-7882
+393701237883 +39 370 123 7883 370 123 7883 tel:+39-370-123-7883
+393701237891 +39 370 123 7891 370 123 7891 tel:+39-370-123-7891
+393701237915 +39 370 123 7915 370 123 7915 tel:+39-370-123-7915
+393701237916 +39 370 123 7916 370 123 7916 tel:+39-370-123-7916
+393701237961 +39 370 123 7961 370 123 7961 tel:+39-370-123-7961
+393701237963 +39 370 123 7963 370 123 7963 tel:+39-370-123-7963
+393701237976 +39 370 123 7976 370 123 7976 tel:+39-370-123-7976
+393701306693 +39 370 130 6693 370 130 6693 tel:+39-370-130-6693
+393701317480 +39 370 131 7480 370 131 7480 tel:+39-370-131-7480
+393701325996 +39 370 132 5996 370 132 5996 tel:+39-370-132-5996
+393701325997 +39 370 132 5997 370 132 5997 tel:+39-370-132-5997
+393701325998 +39 370 132 5998 370 132 5998 tel:+39-370-132-5998
+393701347401 +39 370 134 7401 370 134 7401 tel:+39-370-134-7401
+393701347402 +39 370 134 7402 370 134 7402 tel:+39-370-134-7402
+393701347403 +39 370 134 7403 370 134 7403 tel:+39-370-134-7403
+393701391226 +39 370 139 1226 370 139 1226 tel:+39-370-139-1226
+393701397262 +39 370 139 7262 370 139 7262 tel:+39-370-139-7262
+393703022482 +39 370 302 2482 370 302 2482 tel:+39-370-302-2482
+393703022589 +39 370 302 2589 370 302 2589 tel:+39-370-302-2589
+393703022686 +39 370 302 2686 370 302 2686 tel:+39-370-302-2686
+393703031792 +39 370 303 1792 370 303 1792 tel:+39-370-303-1792
+393703032208 +39 370 303 2208 370 303 2208 tel:+39-370-303-2208
+393703033437 +39 370 303 3437 370 303 3437 tel:+39-370-303-3437
+393703074751 +39 370 307 4751 370 307 4751 tel:+39-370-307-4751
+393703083912 +39 370 308 3912 370 308 3912 tel:+39-370-308-3912
+393703113667 +39 370 311 3667 370 311 3667 tel:+39-370-311-3667
+393703171532 +39 370 317 1532 370 317 1532 tel:+39-370-317-1532
+393703272931 +39 370 327 2931 370 327 2931 tel:+39-370-327-2931
+393703305158 +39 370 330 5158 370 330 5158 tel:+39-370-330-5158
+393703314627 +39 370 331 4627 370 331 4627 tel:+39-370-331-4627
+393703318811 +39 370 331 8811 370 331 8811 tel:+39-370-331-8811
+393703327658 +39 370 332 7658 370 332 7658 tel:+39-370-332-7658
+393703327659 +39 370 332 7659 370 332 7659 tel:+39-370-332-7659
+393703327665 +39 370 332 7665 370 332 7665 tel:+39-370-332-7665
+393703327666 +39 370 332 7666 370 332 7666 tel:+39-370-332-7666
+393703337519 +39 370 333 7519 370 333 7519 tel:+39-370-333-7519
+393703337520 +39 370 333 7520 370 333 7520 tel:+39-370-333-7520
+393703351963 +39 370 335 1963 370 335 1963 tel:+39-370-335-1963
+393703359354 +39 370 335 9354 370 335 9354 tel:+39-370-335-9354
+393703359467 +39 370 335 9467 370 335 9467 tel:+39-370-335-9467
+393703359468 +39 370 335 9468 370 335 9468 tel:+39-370-335-9468
+393703359469 +39 370 335 9469 370 335 9469 tel:+39-370-335-9469
+393703359471 +39 370 335 9471 370 335 9471 tel:+39-370-335-9471
+393703359475 +39 370 335 9475 370 335 9475 tel:+39-370-335-9475
+393703396201 +39 370 339 6201 370 339 6201 tel:+39-370-339-6201
+393703396202 +39 370 339 6202 370 339 6202 tel:+39-370-339-6202
+393703403000 +39 370 340 3000 370 340 3000 tel:+39-370-340-3000