Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 23:04
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 23:04.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393883087969 +39 388 308 7969 388 308 7969 tel:+39-388-308-7969
+393883095305 +39 388 309 5305 388 309 5305 tel:+39-388-309-5305
+393883098548 +39 388 309 8548 388 309 8548 tel:+39-388-309-8548
+393883227718 +39 388 322 7718 388 322 7718 tel:+39-388-322-7718
+393883263788 +39 388 326 3788 388 326 3788 tel:+39-388-326-3788
+393883412735 +39 388 341 2735 388 341 2735 tel:+39-388-341-2735
+393883517571 +39 388 351 7571 388 351 7571 tel:+39-388-351-7571
+393883520681 +39 388 352 0681 388 352 0681 tel:+39-388-352-0681
+393883536670 +39 388 353 6670 388 353 6670 tel:+39-388-353-6670
+393883550941 +39 388 355 0941 388 355 0941 tel:+39-388-355-0941
+393883551342 +39 388 355 1342 388 355 1342 tel:+39-388-355-1342
+393883555923 +39 388 355 5923 388 355 5923 tel:+39-388-355-5923
+393883575662 +39 388 357 5662 388 357 5662 tel:+39-388-357-5662
+393883578386 +39 388 357 8386 388 357 8386 tel:+39-388-357-8386
+393883584374 +39 388 358 4374 388 358 4374 tel:+39-388-358-4374
+393883588188 +39 388 358 8188 388 358 8188 tel:+39-388-358-8188
+393883591234 +39 388 359 1234 388 359 1234 tel:+39-388-359-1234
+393883652446 +39 388 365 2446 388 365 2446 tel:+39-388-365-2446
+393883658252 +39 388 365 8252 388 365 8252 tel:+39-388-365-8252
+393883710887 +39 388 371 0887 388 371 0887 tel:+39-388-371-0887
+393883726631 +39 388 372 6631 388 372 6631 tel:+39-388-372-6631
+393883735928 +39 388 373 5928 388 373 5928 tel:+39-388-373-5928
+393883845566 +39 388 384 5566 388 384 5566 tel:+39-388-384-5566
+393884024958 +39 388 402 4958 388 402 4958 tel:+39-388-402-4958
+393884203586 +39 388 420 3586 388 420 3586 tel:+39-388-420-3586
+393884210631 +39 388 421 0631 388 421 0631 tel:+39-388-421-0631
+393884236299 +39 388 423 6299 388 423 6299 tel:+39-388-423-6299
+393884270845 +39 388 427 0845 388 427 0845 tel:+39-388-427-0845
+393884330178 +39 388 433 0178 388 433 0178 tel:+39-388-433-0178
+393884371707 +39 388 437 1707 388 437 1707 tel:+39-388-437-1707
+393884391103 +39 388 439 1103 388 439 1103 tel:+39-388-439-1103
+393884409562 +39 388 440 9562 388 440 9562 tel:+39-388-440-9562
+393884409576 +39 388 440 9576 388 440 9576 tel:+39-388-440-9576
+393884433682 +39 388 443 3682 388 443 3682 tel:+39-388-443-3682
+393884433701 +39 388 443 3701 388 443 3701 tel:+39-388-443-3701
+393884441065 +39 388 444 1065 388 444 1065 tel:+39-388-444-1065
+393884441097 +39 388 444 1097 388 444 1097 tel:+39-388-444-1097
+393884441100 +39 388 444 1100 388 444 1100 tel:+39-388-444-1100
+393884445335 +39 388 444 5335 388 444 5335 tel:+39-388-444-5335
+393884455428 +39 388 445 5428 388 445 5428 tel:+39-388-445-5428
+393884455430 +39 388 445 5430 388 445 5430 tel:+39-388-445-5430
+393884455850 +39 388 445 5850 388 445 5850 tel:+39-388-445-5850
+393884455852 +39 388 445 5852 388 445 5852 tel:+39-388-445-5852
+393884455938 +39 388 445 5938 388 445 5938 tel:+39-388-445-5938
+393884455943 +39 388 445 5943 388 445 5943 tel:+39-388-445-5943
+393884455976 +39 388 445 5976 388 445 5976 tel:+39-388-445-5976
+393884465122 +39 388 446 5122 388 446 5122 tel:+39-388-446-5122
+393884465125 +39 388 446 5125 388 446 5125 tel:+39-388-446-5125
+393884465126 +39 388 446 5126 388 446 5126 tel:+39-388-446-5126
+393884465127 +39 388 446 5127 388 446 5127 tel:+39-388-446-5127