Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 02:52
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 02:52.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393884465128 +39 388 446 5128 388 446 5128 tel:+39-388-446-5128
+393884465135 +39 388 446 5135 388 446 5135 tel:+39-388-446-5135
+393884465155 +39 388 446 5155 388 446 5155 tel:+39-388-446-5155
+393884465159 +39 388 446 5159 388 446 5159 tel:+39-388-446-5159
+393884465160 +39 388 446 5160 388 446 5160 tel:+39-388-446-5160
+393884465171 +39 388 446 5171 388 446 5171 tel:+39-388-446-5171
+393884465184 +39 388 446 5184 388 446 5184 tel:+39-388-446-5184
+393884465191 +39 388 446 5191 388 446 5191 tel:+39-388-446-5191
+393884465194 +39 388 446 5194 388 446 5194 tel:+39-388-446-5194
+393884465195 +39 388 446 5195 388 446 5195 tel:+39-388-446-5195
+393884465197 +39 388 446 5197 388 446 5197 tel:+39-388-446-5197
+393884465258 +39 388 446 5258 388 446 5258 tel:+39-388-446-5258
+393884465265 +39 388 446 5265 388 446 5265 tel:+39-388-446-5265
+393884488290 +39 388 448 8290 388 448 8290 tel:+39-388-448-8290
+393884530006 +39 388 453 0006 388 453 0006 tel:+39-388-453-0006
+393884532952 +39 388 453 2952 388 453 2952 tel:+39-388-453-2952
+393884543989 +39 388 454 3989 388 454 3989 tel:+39-388-454-3989
+393884661722 +39 388 466 1722 388 466 1722 tel:+39-388-466-1722
+393884662690 +39 388 466 2690 388 466 2690 tel:+39-388-466-2690
+393884695716 +39 388 469 5716 388 469 5716 tel:+39-388-469-5716
+393884746438 +39 388 474 6438 388 474 6438 tel:+39-388-474-6438
+393884859833 +39 388 485 9833 388 485 9833 tel:+39-388-485-9833
+393885771428 +39 388 577 1428 388 577 1428 tel:+39-388-577-1428
+393885793053 +39 388 579 3053 388 579 3053 tel:+39-388-579-3053
+393885873678 +39 388 587 3678 388 587 3678 tel:+39-388-587-3678
+393886224615 +39 388 622 4615 388 622 4615 tel:+39-388-622-4615
+393886271751 +39 388 627 1751 388 627 1751 tel:+39-388-627-1751
+393886339183 +39 388 633 9183 388 633 9183 tel:+39-388-633-9183
+393886443219 +39 388 644 3219 388 644 3219 tel:+39-388-644-3219
+393886517388 +39 388 651 7388 388 651 7388 tel:+39-388-651-7388
+393887225517 +39 388 722 5517 388 722 5517 tel:+39-388-722-5517
+393887333017 +39 388 733 3017 388 733 3017 tel:+39-388-733-3017
+393887525213 +39 388 752 5213 388 752 5213 tel:+39-388-752-5213
+393887771850 +39 388 777 1850 388 777 1850 tel:+39-388-777-1850
+393887779812 +39 388 777 9812 388 777 9812 tel:+39-388-777-9812
+393887829294 +39 388 782 9294 388 782 9294 tel:+39-388-782-9294
+393887867730 +39 388 786 7730 388 786 7730 tel:+39-388-786-7730
+393887992120 +39 388 799 2120 388 799 2120 tel:+39-388-799-2120
+393888014493 +39 388 801 4493 388 801 4493 tel:+39-388-801-4493
+393888033829 +39 388 803 3829 388 803 3829 tel:+39-388-803-3829
+393888045246 +39 388 804 5246 388 804 5246 tel:+39-388-804-5246
+393888088133 +39 388 808 8133 388 808 8133 tel:+39-388-808-8133
+393888119951 +39 388 811 9951 388 811 9951 tel:+39-388-811-9951
+393888176513 +39 388 817 6513 388 817 6513 tel:+39-388-817-6513
+393888257702 +39 388 825 7702 388 825 7702 tel:+39-388-825-7702
+393888257963 +39 388 825 7963 388 825 7963 tel:+39-388-825-7963
+393888265608 +39 388 826 5608 388 826 5608 tel:+39-388-826-5608
+393888296737 +39 388 829 6737 388 829 6737 tel:+39-388-829-6737
+393888326945 +39 388 832 6945 388 832 6945 tel:+39-388-832-6945
+393888370151 +39 388 837 0151 388 837 0151 tel:+39-388-837-0151