Idaho area codes and area names

Local time
1 416 564
Emergency phone number
State: Idaho
State code: ID
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 06:05
Timezone: America/Boise
Population: 1 416 564
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Idaho - United States

The state Idaho is located in United States (country code +1). There is 84 phone areas in the state of Idaho. If you are calling someone located in Idaho from abroad, you must either write a plus sign (+) or two zeros (00) followed by the country code (+1 or 001) and then the Area code (found below) and then the phone number.

Local time in Idaho is 06:05.

Area codes and names

Area code Area name State
0208 Oldtown Idaho
0208 Riggins Idaho
0208 Malad City Idaho
0208 Hailey Idaho
0208 Kuna Idaho
0208 Garden Valley Idaho
0120 Idaho Falls Idaho
0120 Coeur d'Alene Idaho
0120 Preston Idaho
0208 Buhl Idaho
0208 Ashton Idaho
0208 Aberdeen Idaho
0208 Sun Valley Idaho
0208 Post Falls Idaho
0208 Driggs Idaho
0208 Shelley Idaho
0208 Blackfoot Idaho
0208 Challis Idaho
0208 Lewiston Idaho
0208 Meridian Idaho
0208 Idaho City Idaho
0208 Weiser Idaho
0208 Shoshone Idaho
0208 Island Park Idaho
0208 Fruitland Idaho
0208 Burley Idaho
0208 Troy Idaho
0208 Filer Idaho
0208 New Plymouth Idaho
0208 Homedale Idaho
0208 Priest River Idaho
0208 Glenns Ferry Idaho
0208 St. Maries Idaho
0208 Arco Idaho
0208 Rexburg Idaho
0208 Payette Idaho
0208 American Falls Idaho
0208 Pocatello Idaho
0208 Nampa Idaho
0208 Plummer Idaho
0208 Paul Idaho
0208 Coeur d'Alene Idaho
0208 Star Idaho
0208 Caldwell Idaho
0208 Middleton Idaho
0208 Boise Idaho
0208 Kimberly Idaho
0208 Ketchum Idaho
0208 Twin Falls Idaho
0208 Idaho Falls Idaho
0208 Melba Idaho
0208 Preston Idaho
0208 Spirit Lake Idaho
0208 St. Anthony Idaho
0208 Council Idaho
0208 Sandpoint Idaho
0208 Bonners Ferry Idaho
0208 Jerome Idaho
0208 Emmett Idaho
0208 Cascade Idaho
0208 Rupert Idaho
0208 Orofino Idaho
0208 Wendell Idaho
0208 Soda Springs Idaho
0208 Mountain Home Idaho
0208 McCall Idaho
0208 Athol Idaho
0208 Rathdrum Idaho
0208 Parma Idaho
0208 Rigby Idaho
0208 Salmon Idaho
0208 Hayden Idaho
0208 Kellogg Idaho
0208 Victor Idaho
0208 Hagerman Idaho
0208 Montpelier Idaho
0208 Potlatch Idaho
0208 Moscow Idaho
0208 Kooskia Idaho
0208 Gooding Idaho
0208 Kamiah Idaho
0208 Eagle Idaho
0208 Cottonwood Idaho
0208 Grangeville Idaho

Idaho Counties sorted by Population

Idaho consists of 44 counties with a total population of 1 416 564 citizens. The population data are from 2021.

Rank County Timezone Total Population
1 Ada County America/Boise 392 365
2 Canyon County America/Boise 188 923
3 Kootenai County America/Los_Angeles 138 494
4 Bonneville County America/Boise 104 234
5 Bannock County America/Boise 82 839
6 Twin Falls County America/Boise 77 230
7 Bingham County America/Boise 45 607
8 Bonner County America/Los_Angeles 40 877
9 Nez Perce County America/Los_Angeles 39 265
10 Madison County America/Boise 37 536
11 Latah County America/Los_Angeles 37 244
12 Elmore County America/Boise 27 038
13 Jefferson County America/Boise 26 140
14 Cassia County America/Boise 22 952
15 Payette County America/Boise 22 623
16 Jerome County America/Boise 22 374
17 Blaine County America/Boise 21 376
18 Minidoka County America/Boise 20 069
19 Gem County America/Boise 16 719
20 Idaho County America/Los_Angeles 16 267
21 Gooding County America/Boise 15 464
22 Fremont County America/Boise 13 242
23 Franklin County America/Boise 12 786
24 Shoshone County America/Los_Angeles 12 765
25 Owyhee County America/Boise 11 526
26 Boundary County America/Los_Angeles 10 972
27 Washington County America/Boise 10 198
28 Teton County America/Boise 10 170
29 Valley County America/Boise 9 862
30 Benewah County America/Los_Angeles 9 285
31 Clearwater County America/Los_Angeles 8 761
32 Lemhi County America/Boise 7 936
33 Power County America/Boise 7 817
34 Boise County America/Boise 7 028
35 Caribou County America/Boise 6 963
36 Bear Lake County America/Boise 5 986
37 Lincoln County America/Boise 5 208
38 Custer County America/Boise 4 368
39 Oneida County America/Boise 4 286
40 Adams County America/Boise 3 976
41 Lewis County America/Los_Angeles 3 821
42 Butte County America/Boise 2 891
43 Camas County America/Boise 1 117
44 Clark County America/Boise 982