New Rochelle, New York - Area code 914

Area code
New Rochelle, NY
Local time
New Rochelle, NY
Emergency phone number
New Rochelle, NY
State: New York
State code: NY
Area: New Rochelle, NY
Area code: 0914
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 16:21
Timezone: America/New_York
Population: 19 274 244
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

New Rochelle, New York - United States, New York

New Rochelle is located in United States and has area code 914. When calling a person or company located in New Rochelle from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1914 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in New Rochelle, NY is 16:21.

New Rochelle - Postal numbers

New Rochelle has 4 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
10801New RochelleNew York-73.7877/40.9166
10802New RochelleNew York-73.7824/40.9115
10804New RochelleNew York-73.7863/40.9491
10805New RochelleNew York-73.781/40.9002

Reported phone numbers in New Rochelle

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+19145769573 +1 914-576-9573 (914) 576-9573 tel:+1-914-576-9573
+19146339027 +1 914-633-9027 (914) 633-9027 tel:+1-914-633-9027
+19145762696 +1 914-576-2696 (914) 576-2696 tel:+1-914-576-2696
+19145769716 +1 914-576-9716 (914) 576-9716 tel:+1-914-576-9716
+19146331032 +1 914-633-1032 (914) 633-1032 tel:+1-914-633-1032
+19146331308 +1 914-633-1308 (914) 633-1308 tel:+1-914-633-1308
+19146332874 +1 914-633-2874 (914) 633-2874 tel:+1-914-633-2874
+19146337214 +1 914-633-7214 (914) 633-7214 tel:+1-914-633-7214
+19146548472 +1 914-654-8472 (914) 654-8472 tel:+1-914-654-8472
+19146333644 +1 914-633-3644 (914) 633-3644 tel:+1-914-633-3644
+19145769594 +1 914-576-9594 (914) 576-9594 tel:+1-914-576-9594
+19146337469 +1 914-633-7469 (914) 633-7469 tel:+1-914-633-7469
+19146331833 +1 914-633-1833 (914) 633-1833 tel:+1-914-633-1833
+19146330687 +1 914-633-0687 (914) 633-0687 tel:+1-914-633-0687
+19146330349 +1 914-633-0349 (914) 633-0349 tel:+1-914-633-0349
+19145760430 +1 914-576-0430 (914) 576-0430 tel:+1-914-576-0430
+19146337274 +1 914-633-7274 (914) 633-7274 tel:+1-914-633-7274
+19145763703 +1 914-576-3703 (914) 576-3703 tel:+1-914-576-3703
+19145768763 +1 914-576-8763 (914) 576-8763 tel:+1-914-576-8763
+19145763694 +1 914-576-3694 (914) 576-3694 tel:+1-914-576-3694
+19145768227 +1 914-576-8227 (914) 576-8227 tel:+1-914-576-8227
+19146334968 +1 914-633-4968 (914) 633-4968 tel:+1-914-633-4968
+19145760042 +1 914-576-0042 (914) 576-0042 tel:+1-914-576-0042
+19146330612 +1 914-633-0612 (914) 633-0612 tel:+1-914-633-0612
+19145769253 +1 914-576-9253 (914) 576-9253 tel:+1-914-576-9253
+19146337977 +1 914-633-7977 (914) 633-7977 tel:+1-914-633-7977
+19143555701 +1 914-355-5701 (914) 355-5701 tel:+1-914-355-5701
+19145767588 +1 914-576-7588 (914) 576-7588 tel:+1-914-576-7588
+19146543465 +1 914-654-3465 (914) 654-3465 tel:+1-914-654-3465
+19145763299 +1 914-576-3299 (914) 576-3299 tel:+1-914-576-3299
+19146331098 +1 914-633-1098 (914) 633-1098 tel:+1-914-633-1098
+19146333678 +1 914-633-3678 (914) 633-3678 tel:+1-914-633-3678
+19146543623 +1 914-654-3623 (914) 654-3623 tel:+1-914-654-3623
+19145760921 +1 914-576-0921 (914) 576-0921 tel:+1-914-576-0921
+19145768226 +1 914-576-8226 (914) 576-8226 tel:+1-914-576-8226
+19145765026 +1 914-576-5026 (914) 576-5026 tel:+1-914-576-5026
+19146339892 +1 914-633-9892 (914) 633-9892 tel:+1-914-633-9892
+19145765655 +1 914-576-5655 (914) 576-5655 tel:+1-914-576-5655
+19146337994 +1 914-633-7994 (914) 633-7994 tel:+1-914-633-7994
+19145765056 +1 914-576-5056 (914) 576-5056 tel:+1-914-576-5056
+19146339372 +1 914-633-9372 (914) 633-9372 tel:+1-914-633-9372
+19146339651 +1 914-633-9651 (914) 633-9651 tel:+1-914-633-9651
+19146332021 +1 914-633-2021 (914) 633-2021 tel:+1-914-633-2021
+19145760484 +1 914-576-0484 (914) 576-0484 tel:+1-914-576-0484
+19145763257 +1 914-576-3257 (914) 576-3257 tel:+1-914-576-3257
+19145762697 +1 914-576-2697 (914) 576-2697 tel:+1-914-576-2697
+19145764342 +1 914-576-4342 (914) 576-4342 tel:+1-914-576-4342
+19146336338 +1 914-633-6338 (914) 633-6338 tel:+1-914-633-6338
+19146337748 +1 914-633-7748 (914) 633-7748 tel:+1-914-633-7748
+19145763182 +1 914-576-3182 (914) 576-3182 tel:+1-914-576-3182