Area code 5 (Somalia)

Area code
Local time
Emergency phone number
Area: Somalia
Area code: 05
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 19:26
Timezone: America/Adak
Population: 327 167 434
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Area code 5 - Somalia

Somalia is located in United States and has area code 5. When calling a person or company located in Somalia from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +15 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Somalia is 19:26.

Reported phone numbers in Somalia

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+2522256522 +252 2 256522 2 256522 tel:+252-2-256522
+2522000257 +252 2 000257 2 000257 tel:+252-2-000257
+2522640450 +252 2 640450 2 640450 tel:+252-2-640450
+2525710229 +252 5 710229 5 710229 tel:+252-5-710229
+2525718739 +252 5 718739 5 718739 tel:+252-5-718739
+2522085275 +252 2 085275 2 085275 tel:+252-2-085275
+2522277982 +252 2 277982 2 277982 tel:+252-2-277982
+2525513543 +252 5 513543 5 513543 tel:+252-5-513543
+2525718449 +252 5 718449 5 718449 tel:+252-5-718449
+2522000664 +252 2 000664 2 000664 tel:+252-2-000664
+2525501044 +252 5 501044 5 501044 tel:+252-5-501044
+2522285655 +252 2 285655 2 285655 tel:+252-2-285655
+2522000577 +252 2 000577 2 000577 tel:+252-2-000577
+2525712221 +252 5 712221 5 712221 tel:+252-5-712221
+2525715310 +252 5 715310 5 715310 tel:+252-5-715310
+2522000227 +252 2 000227 2 000227 tel:+252-2-000227
+2522629582 +252 2 629582 2 629582 tel:+252-2-629582
+2525788768 +252 5 788768 5 788768 tel:+252-5-788768
+2525713029 +252 5 713029 5 713029 tel:+252-5-713029
+2525758927 +252 5 758927 5 758927 tel:+252-5-758927
+2525810279 +252 5 810279 5 810279 tel:+252-5-810279
+2522614208 +252 2 614208 2 614208 tel:+252-2-614208
+2522000592 +252 2 000592 2 000592 tel:+252-2-000592
+2525505407 +252 5 505407 5 505407 tel:+252-5-505407
+2525502506 +252 5 502506 5 502506 tel:+252-5-502506
+2525711944 +252 5 711944 5 711944 tel:+252-5-711944
+2522000454 +252 2 000454 2 000454 tel:+252-2-000454
+2522000872 +252 2 000872 2 000872 tel:+252-2-000872
+2522627013 +252 2 627013 2 627013 tel:+252-2-627013
+2525731563 +252 5 731563 5 731563 tel:+252-5-731563
+2525739878 +252 5 739878 5 739878 tel:+252-5-739878
+2525714623 +252 5 714623 5 714623 tel:+252-5-714623
+2525838391 +252 5 838391 5 838391 tel:+252-5-838391
+2522080111 +252 2 080111 2 080111 tel:+252-2-080111
+2522000467 +252 2 000467 2 000467 tel:+252-2-000467
+2522081212 +252 2 081212 2 081212 tel:+252-2-081212
+2522524719 +252 2 524719 2 524719 tel:+252-2-524719
+2525714918 +252 5 714918 5 714918 tel:+252-5-714918
+2522647074 +252 2 647074 2 647074 tel:+252-2-647074
+2525718751 +252 5 718751 5 718751 tel:+252-5-718751
+2522617400 +252 2 617400 2 617400 tel:+252-2-617400
+2525949336 +252 5 949336 5 949336 tel:+252-5-949336
+2525712219 +252 5 712219 5 712219 tel:+252-5-712219
+2522000839 +252 2 000839 2 000839 tel:+252-2-000839
+2525713524 +252 5 713524 5 713524 tel:+252-5-713524
+2522000744 +252 2 000744 2 000744 tel:+252-2-000744
+2525712003 +252 5 712003 5 712003 tel:+252-5-712003
+2525712795 +252 5 712795 5 712795 tel:+252-5-712795
+2525718446 +252 5 718446 5 718446 tel:+252-5-718446
+2525718884 +252 5 718884 5 718884 tel:+252-5-718884