Area code 5 (Somalia)

Area code
Local time
Emergency phone number
Area: Somalia
Area code: 05
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 21:56
Timezone: America/Adak
Population: 327 167 434
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Area code 5 - Somalia

Somalia is located in United States and has area code 5. When calling a person or company located in Somalia from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +15 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Somalia is 21:56.

Reported phone numbers in Somalia

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+2525713046 +252 5 713046 5 713046 tel:+252-5-713046
+2522000016 +252 2 000016 2 000016 tel:+252-2-000016
+2522000231 +252 2 000231 2 000231 tel:+252-2-000231
+2522000420 +252 2 000420 2 000420 tel:+252-2-000420
+2525507561 +252 5 507561 5 507561 tel:+252-5-507561
+2522265145 +252 2 265145 2 265145 tel:+252-2-265145
+2525841421 +252 5 841421 5 841421 tel:+252-5-841421
+2525944925 +252 5 944925 5 944925 tel:+252-5-944925
+2522000218 +252 2 000218 2 000218 tel:+252-2-000218
+2522000696 +252 2 000696 2 000696 tel:+252-2-000696
+2522000091 +252 2 000091 2 000091 tel:+252-2-000091
+2525717789 +252 5 717789 5 717789 tel:+252-5-717789
+2525810908 +252 5 810908 5 810908 tel:+252-5-810908
+2525817232 +252 5 817232 5 817232 tel:+252-5-817232
+2525504416 +252 5 504416 5 504416 tel:+252-5-504416
+2525713839 +252 5 713839 5 713839 tel:+252-5-713839
+2525839828 +252 5 839828 5 839828 tel:+252-5-839828
+2525956058 +252 5 956058 5 956058 tel:+252-5-956058
+2522533053 +252 2 533053 2 533053 tel:+252-2-533053
+2525757242 +252 5 757242 5 757242 tel:+252-5-757242
+2525785862 +252 5 785862 5 785862 tel:+252-5-785862
+2522000195 +252 2 000195 2 000195 tel:+252-2-000195
+2522001068 +252 2 001068 2 001068 tel:+252-2-001068
+2525832908 +252 5 832908 5 832908 tel:+252-5-832908
+2525971181 +252 5 971181 5 971181 tel:+252-5-971181
+2522000222 +252 2 000222 2 000222 tel:+252-2-000222
+2522084324 +252 2 084324 2 084324 tel:+252-2-084324
+2525713037 +252 5 713037 5 713037 tel:+252-5-713037
+2525949767 +252 5 949767 5 949767 tel:+252-5-949767
+2522001095 +252 2 001095 2 001095 tel:+252-2-001095
+2522279535 +252 2 279535 2 279535 tel:+252-2-279535
+2525757962 +252 5 757962 5 757962 tel:+252-5-757962
+2522000625 +252 2 000625 2 000625 tel:+252-2-000625
+2522623048 +252 2 623048 2 623048 tel:+252-2-623048
+2522732544 +252 2 732544 2 732544 tel:+252-2-732544
+2525714102 +252 5 714102 5 714102 tel:+252-5-714102
+2525716883 +252 5 716883 5 716883 tel:+252-5-716883