Reported phone numbers in Bulgaria (+359)

Local time
Emergency phone number
112 or 166
Country Calling Code: +359
E.164 (Country Code): 359
Emergency phone number: 112 or 166
Capital: Sofia
Language: Bulgarian
Valuta: Bulgarian lev (BGN)
Local Time: 08:21
Timezone: Europe/Sofia
Population: 7 148 785
Land Area: 110 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Bulgaria without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Bulgaria but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Bulgaria / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +359 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Bulgaria is 08:21.

Unspecified phone numbers from Bulgaria

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Bulgaria.

+359882020742 +359 88 202 0742 088 202 0742 tel:+359-88-202-0742
+359882020743 +359 88 202 0743 088 202 0743 tel:+359-88-202-0743
+359882020745 +359 88 202 0745 088 202 0745 tel:+359-88-202-0745
+359882020748 +359 88 202 0748 088 202 0748 tel:+359-88-202-0748
+359882020749 +359 88 202 0749 088 202 0749 tel:+359-88-202-0749
+359882160818 +359 88 216 0818 088 216 0818 tel:+359-88-216-0818
+359882160872 +359 88 216 0872 088 216 0872 tel:+359-88-216-0872
+359882160874 +359 88 216 0874 088 216 0874 tel:+359-88-216-0874
+359882160878 +359 88 216 0878 088 216 0878 tel:+359-88-216-0878
+359882160891 +359 88 216 0891 088 216 0891 tel:+359-88-216-0891
+359882169184 +359 88 216 9184 088 216 9184 tel:+359-88-216-9184
+359882169215 +359 88 216 9215 088 216 9215 tel:+359-88-216-9215
+359882169217 +359 88 216 9217 088 216 9217 tel:+359-88-216-9217
+359882198202 +359 88 219 8202 088 219 8202 tel:+359-88-219-8202
+359882198237 +359 88 219 8237 088 219 8237 tel:+359-88-219-8237
+359882198258 +359 88 219 8258 088 219 8258 tel:+359-88-219-8258
+359882198261 +359 88 219 8261 088 219 8261 tel:+359-88-219-8261
+359882198273 +359 88 219 8273 088 219 8273 tel:+359-88-219-8273
+359882198293 +359 88 219 8293 088 219 8293 tel:+359-88-219-8293
+359882198400 +359 88 219 8400 088 219 8400 tel:+359-88-219-8400
+359882307304 +359 88 230 7304 088 230 7304 tel:+359-88-230-7304
+359882944050 +359 88 294 4050 088 294 4050 tel:+359-88-294-4050
+359886061222 +359 88 606 1222 088 606 1222 tel:+359-88-606-1222
+359886192532 +359 88 619 2532 088 619 2532 tel:+359-88-619-2532
+359886342252 +359 88 634 2252 088 634 2252 tel:+359-88-634-2252
+359887997476 +359 88 799 7476 088 799 7476 tel:+359-88-799-7476
+359889626327 +359 88 962 6327 088 962 6327 tel:+359-88-962-6327
+359889640209 +359 88 964 0209 088 964 0209 tel:+359-88-964-0209
+359892291079 +359 89 229 1079 089 229 1079 tel:+359-89-229-1079
+359892291082 +359 89 229 1082 089 229 1082 tel:+359-89-229-1082
+359892291087 +359 89 229 1087 089 229 1087 tel:+359-89-229-1087
+359892291088 +359 89 229 1088 089 229 1088 tel:+359-89-229-1088
+359892497640 +359 89 249 7640 089 249 7640 tel:+359-89-249-7640
+359892497641 +359 89 249 7641 089 249 7641 tel:+359-89-249-7641
+359892497642 +359 89 249 7642 089 249 7642 tel:+359-89-249-7642
+359892497650 +359 89 249 7650 089 249 7650 tel:+359-89-249-7650
+359892956533 +359 89 295 6533 089 295 6533 tel:+359-89-295-6533
+359893322901 +359 89 332 2901 089 332 2901 tel:+359-89-332-2901
+359893322904 +359 89 332 2904 089 332 2904 tel:+359-89-332-2904
+359893322907 +359 89 332 2907 089 332 2907 tel:+359-89-332-2907
+359893322921 +359 89 332 2921 089 332 2921 tel:+359-89-332-2921
+359893322924 +359 89 332 2924 089 332 2924 tel:+359-89-332-2924
+359893322932 +359 89 332 2932 089 332 2932 tel:+359-89-332-2932
+359898190824 +359 89 819 0824 089 819 0824 tel:+359-89-819-0824
+359988103350 +359 98 810 3350 098 810 3350 tel:+359-98-810-3350
+359988135600 +359 98 813 5600 098 813 5600 tel:+359-98-813-5600
+359988137940 +359 98 813 7940 098 813 7940 tel:+359-98-813-7940
+359988194999 +359 98 819 4999 098 819 4999 tel:+359-98-819-4999
+359988830827 +359 98 883 0827 098 883 0827 tel:+359-98-883-0827
+359988866214 +359 98 886 6214 098 886 6214 tel:+359-98-886-6214