Reported phone numbers in Estonia (+372)

Local time
13 945
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +372
E.164 (Country Code): 372
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Tallinn
Language: Estonian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 11:28
Timezone: Europe/Tallinn
Population: 13 945
Land Area: 45 226 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Estonia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Estonia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Estonia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +372 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Valga is 11:28. Valga has a population of 13 945 citiciens (2019-09-05).

Reported phone numbers in Valga

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+37240055900 +372 4005 5900 4005 5900 tel:+372-4005-5900
+37240059402 +372 4005 9402 4005 9402 tel:+372-4005-9402
+37240059405 +372 4005 9405 4005 9405 tel:+372-4005-9405
+37240059924 +372 4005 9924 4005 9924 tel:+372-4005-9924
+37253216092 +372 5321 6092 5321 6092 tel:+372-5321-6092
+37253216270 +372 5321 6270 5321 6270 tel:+372-5321-6270
+37255539228 +372 5553 9228 5553 9228 tel:+372-5553-9228
+37256039700 +372 5603 9700 5603 9700 tel:+372-5603-9700
+37256828802 +372 5682 8802 5682 8802 tel:+372-5682-8802
+37256853490 +372 5685 3490 5685 3490 tel:+372-5685-3490
+37257234003 +372 5723 4003 5723 4003 tel:+372-5723-4003
+37258190067 +372 5819 0067 5819 0067 tel:+372-5819-0067
+37258832911 +372 5883 2911 5883 2911 tel:+372-5883-2911
+37258832914 +372 5883 2914 5883 2914 tel:+372-5883-2914
+3726024330 +372 602 4330 602 4330 tel:+372-602-4330
+3726135143 +372 613 5143 613 5143 tel:+372-613-5143
+3726135145 +372 613 5145 613 5145 tel:+372-613-5145
+3726135146 +372 613 5146 613 5146 tel:+372-613-5146
+3726135147 +372 613 5147 613 5147 tel:+372-613-5147
+3726189115 +372 618 9115 618 9115 tel:+372-618-9115
+3726189131 +372 618 9131 618 9131 tel:+372-618-9131
+3726189132 +372 618 9132 618 9132 tel:+372-618-9132
+3726189133 +372 618 9133 618 9133 tel:+372-618-9133
+3726189134 +372 618 9134 618 9134 tel:+372-618-9134
+3726189231 +372 618 9231 618 9231 tel:+372-618-9231
+3726189232 +372 618 9232 618 9232 tel:+372-618-9232
+3726189235 +372 618 9235 618 9235 tel:+372-618-9235
+3726189237 +372 618 9237 618 9237 tel:+372-618-9237
+3726189239 +372 618 9239 618 9239 tel:+372-618-9239
+3726189252 +372 618 9252 618 9252 tel:+372-618-9252
+3726189502 +372 618 9502 618 9502 tel:+372-618-9502
+3726189504 +372 618 9504 618 9504 tel:+372-618-9504
+3726189506 +372 618 9506 618 9506 tel:+372-618-9506
+3726189531 +372 618 9531 618 9531 tel:+372-618-9531
+3726191528 +372 619 1528 619 1528 tel:+372-619-1528
+3726191529 +372 619 1529 619 1529 tel:+372-619-1529
+3726268586 +372 626 8586 626 8586 tel:+372-626-8586
+3726306818 +372 630 6818 630 6818 tel:+372-630-6818
+3726381452 +372 638 1452 638 1452 tel:+372-638-1452
+3726487905 +372 648 7905 648 7905 tel:+372-648-7905
+3726511098 +372 651 1098 651 1098 tel:+372-651-1098
+3726580341 +372 658 0341 658 0341 tel:+372-658-0341
+3726580342 +372 658 0342 658 0342 tel:+372-658-0342
+3726601059 +372 660 1059 660 1059 tel:+372-660-1059
+3726610812 +372 661 0812 661 0812 tel:+372-661-0812
+3726616566 +372 661 6566 661 6566 tel:+372-661-6566
+3726628419 +372 662 8419 662 8419 tel:+372-662-8419
+3726628421 +372 662 8421 662 8421 tel:+372-662-8421
+3726709890 +372 670 9890 670 9890 tel:+372-670-9890
+3726836406 +372 683 6406 683 6406 tel:+372-683-6406