Reported phone numbers in Estonia (+372)

Local time
13 945
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +372
E.164 (Country Code): 372
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Tallinn
Language: Estonian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 00:37
Timezone: Europe/Tallinn
Population: 13 945
Land Area: 45 226 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Estonia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Estonia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Estonia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +372 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Valga is 00:37. Valga has a population of 13 945 citiciens (2019-09-05).

Reported phone numbers in Valga

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+37256447777 +372 5644 7777 5644 7777 tel:+372-5644-7777
+37253008607 +372 5300 8607 5300 8607 tel:+372-5300-8607
+37256226180 +372 5622 6180 5622 6180 tel:+372-5622-6180
+3727970824 +372 797 0824 797 0824 tel:+372-797-0824
+37251980420 +372 5198 0420 5198 0420 tel:+372-5198-0420
+37255594888 +372 5559 4888 5559 4888 tel:+372-5559-4888
+37256709723 +372 5670 9723 5670 9723 tel:+372-5670-9723
+37256367364 +372 5636 7364 5636 7364 tel:+372-5636-7364
+3726888117 +372 688 8117 688 8117 tel:+372-688-8117
+37256835158 +372 5683 5158 5683 5158 tel:+372-5683-5158
+3726189895 +372 618 9895 618 9895 tel:+372-618-9895
+3726093027 +372 609 3027 609 3027 tel:+372-609-3027
+37259136038 +372 5913 6038 5913 6038 tel:+372-5913-6038
+3726598700 +372 659 8700 659 8700 tel:+372-659-8700
+37258116347 +372 5811 6347 5811 6347 tel:+372-5811-6347
+37253730696 +372 5373 0696 5373 0696 tel:+372-5373-0696
+37254460990 +372 5446 0990 5446 0990 tel:+372-5446-0990
+37258936164 +372 5893 6164 5893 6164 tel:+372-5893-6164
+37256911192 +372 5691 1192 5691 1192 tel:+372-5691-1192
+37255599063 +372 5559 9063 5559 9063 tel:+372-5559-9063
+3726988249 +372 698 8249 698 8249 tel:+372-698-8249
+37254562323 +372 5456 2323 5456 2323 tel:+372-5456-2323
+37256915151 +372 5691 5151 5691 5151 tel:+372-5691-5151
+37251941665 +372 5194 1665 5194 1665 tel:+372-5194-1665
+37258536007 +372 5853 6007 5853 6007 tel:+372-5853-6007
+3726224834 +372 622 4834 622 4834 tel:+372-622-4834
+3725130231 +372 513 0231 513 0231 tel:+372-513-0231
+37253735404 +372 5373 5404 5373 5404 tel:+372-5373-5404
+3726026581 +372 602 6581 602 6581 tel:+372-602-6581
+3723929914 +372 392 9914 392 9914 tel:+372-392-9914
+3726143400 +372 614 3400 614 3400 tel:+372-614-3400
+372665501 +372 665501 665501 tel:+372-665501
+37258049401 +372 5804 9401 5804 9401 tel:+372-5804-9401
+37256283958 +372 5628 3958 5628 3958 tel:+372-5628-3958
+37281310310 +372 8131 0310 8131 0310 tel:+372-8131-0310
+37255588877 +372 5558 8877 5558 8877 tel:+372-5558-8877
+37256698662 +372 5669 8662 5669 8662 tel:+372-5669-8662
+37258249404 +372 5824 9404 5824 9404 tel:+372-5824-9404
+37258100684 +372 5810 0684 5810 0684 tel:+372-5810-0684
+37258346561 +372 5834 6561 5834 6561 tel:+372-5834-6561
+37256311696 +372 5631 1696 5631 1696 tel:+372-5631-1696
+37256256350 +372 5625 6350 5625 6350 tel:+372-5625-6350
+37253983323 +372 5398 3323 5398 3323 tel:+372-5398-3323
+3725240414 +372 524 0414 524 0414 tel:+372-524-0414
+37253306261 +372 5330 6261 5330 6261 tel:+372-5330-6261
+37257416146 +372 5741 6146 5741 6146 tel:+372-5741-6146
+3725206972 +372 520 6972 520 6972 tel:+372-520-6972
+37284009996 +372 8400 9996 8400 9996 tel:+372-8400-9996
+3725562420 +372 5562 420 5562 420 tel:+372-5562-420
+37256770729 +372 5677 0729 5677 0729 tel:+372-5677-0729