Reported phone numbers in Estonia (+372)

Local time
13 945
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +372
E.164 (Country Code): 372
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Tallinn
Language: Estonian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 17:39
Timezone: Europe/Tallinn
Population: 13 945
Land Area: 45 226 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Estonia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Estonia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Estonia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +372 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Valga is 17:39. Valga has a population of 13 945 citiciens (2019-09-05).

Reported phone numbers in Valga

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+37256292670 +372 5629 2670 5629 2670 tel:+372-5629-2670
+3725699077 +372 5699 077 5699 077 tel:+372-5699-077
+3724367611 +372 436 7611 436 7611 tel:+372-436-7611
+37256687609 +372 5668 7609 5668 7609 tel:+372-5668-7609
+37253335632 +372 5333 5632 5333 5632 tel:+372-5333-5632
+3726005888 +372 600 5888 600 5888 tel:+372-600-5888
+37259020767 +372 5902 0767 5902 0767 tel:+372-5902-0767
+3726189894 +372 618 9894 618 9894 tel:+372-618-9894
+37258552532 +372 5855 2532 5855 2532 tel:+372-5855-2532
+3726189703 +372 618 9703 618 9703 tel:+372-618-9703
+37253047335 +372 5304 7335 5304 7335 tel:+372-5304-7335
+37253773673 +372 5377 3673 5377 3673 tel:+372-5377-3673
+3726000525 +372 600 0525 600 0525 tel:+372-600-0525
+3726888121 +372 688 8121 688 8121 tel:+372-688-8121
+3726189267 +372 618 9267 618 9267 tel:+372-618-9267
+37253090796 +372 5309 0796 5309 0796 tel:+372-5309-0796
+37253683846 +372 5368 3846 5368 3846 tel:+372-5368-3846
+3726189896 +372 618 9896 618 9896 tel:+372-618-9896
+3726189293 +372 618 9293 618 9293 tel:+372-618-9293
+3725012333 +372 501 2333 501 2333 tel:+372-501-2333
+3726760630 +372 676 0630 676 0630 tel:+372-676-0630
+3726347202 +372 634 7202 634 7202 tel:+372-634-7202
+37258885846 +372 5888 5846 5888 5846 tel:+372-5888-5846
+3726189271 +372 618 9271 618 9271 tel:+372-618-9271
+37257050793 +372 5705 0793 5705 0793 tel:+372-5705-0793
+372686776 +372 686776 686776 tel:+372-686776
+3726858320 +372 685 8320 685 8320 tel:+372-685-8320
+3726867532 +372 686 7532 686 7532 tel:+372-686-7532
+37253677464 +372 5367 7464 5367 7464 tel:+372-5367-7464
+37253934104 +372 5393 4104 5393 4104 tel:+372-5393-4104
+3726641611 +372 664 1611 664 1611 tel:+372-664-1611
+37256938205 +372 5693 8205 5693 8205 tel:+372-5693-8205
+37256107537 +372 5610 7537 5610 7537 tel:+372-5610-7537
+3726867540 +372 686 7540 686 7540 tel:+372-686-7540
+37255682296 +372 5568 2296 5568 2296 tel:+372-5568-2296
+37256961411 +372 5696 1411 5696 1411 tel:+372-5696-1411
+37254010417 +372 5401 0417 5401 0417 tel:+372-5401-0417
+37258515649 +372 5851 5649 5851 5649 tel:+372-5851-5649
+37253883550 +372 5388 3550 5388 3550 tel:+372-5388-3550
+37256291459 +372 5629 1459 5629 1459 tel:+372-5629-1459
+3725501703 +372 550 1703 550 1703 tel:+372-550-1703
+37257738510 +372 5773 8510 5773 8510 tel:+372-5773-8510
+37255987670 +372 5598 7670 5598 7670 tel:+372-5598-7670
+37258356533 +372 5835 6533 5835 6533 tel:+372-5835-6533
+37253448498 +372 5344 8498 5344 8498 tel:+372-5344-8498
+3725506421 +372 550 6421 550 6421 tel:+372-550-6421
+37253056615 +372 5305 6615 5305 6615 tel:+372-5305-6615
+3726166853 +372 616 6853 616 6853 tel:+372-616-6853
+37253308239 +372 5330 8239 5330 8239 tel:+372-5330-8239
+37253883555 +372 5388 3555 5388 3555 tel:+372-5388-3555