Reported phone numbers in Estonia (+372)

Local time
13 945
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +372
E.164 (Country Code): 372
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Tallinn
Language: Estonian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 02:52
Timezone: Europe/Tallinn
Population: 13 945
Land Area: 45 226 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Estonia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Estonia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Estonia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +372 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Valga is 02:52. Valga has a population of 13 945 citiciens (2019-09-05).

Reported phone numbers in Valga

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+37255515586 +372 5551 5586 5551 5586 tel:+372-5551-5586
+37258047961 +372 5804 7961 5804 7961 tel:+372-5804-7961
+37256634960 +372 5663 4960 5663 4960 tel:+372-5663-4960
+37253936609 +372 5393 6609 5393 6609 tel:+372-5393-6609
+37253011063 +372 5301 1063 5301 1063 tel:+372-5301-1063
+37258908636 +372 5890 8636 5890 8636 tel:+372-5890-8636
+37256879185 +372 5687 9185 5687 9185 tel:+372-5687-9185
+37256845577 +372 5684 5577 5684 5577 tel:+372-5684-5577
+37257088246 +372 5708 8246 5708 8246 tel:+372-5708-8246
+37256685115 +372 5668 5115 5668 5115 tel:+372-5668-5115
+3726612108 +372 661 2108 661 2108 tel:+372-661-2108
+3725207651 +372 520 7651 520 7651 tel:+372-520-7651
+37258024816 +372 5802 4816 5802 4816 tel:+372-5802-4816
+3726518430 +372 651 8430 651 8430 tel:+372-651-8430
+37256876119 +372 5687 6119 5687 6119 tel:+372-5687-6119
+37256223570 +372 5622 3570 5622 3570 tel:+372-5622-3570
+37253479449 +372 5347 9449 5347 9449 tel:+372-5347-9449
+3726039247 +372 603 9247 603 9247 tel:+372-603-9247
+37256220725 +372 5622 0725 5622 0725 tel:+372-5622-0725
+37258663734 +372 5866 3734 5866 3734 tel:+372-5866-3734
+37258847089 +372 5884 7089 5884 7089 tel:+372-5884-7089
+37253410996 +372 5341 0996 5341 0996 tel:+372-5341-0996
+37282340881 +372 8234 0881 8234 0881 tel:+372-8234-0881
+37253776609 +372 5377 6609 5377 6609 tel:+372-5377-6609
+3726189872 +372 618 9872 618 9872 tel:+372-618-9872
+37258141483 +372 5814 1483 5814 1483 tel:+372-5814-1483
+37282720199 +372 8272 0199 8272 0199 tel:+372-8272-0199
+37256459282 +372 5645 9282 5645 9282 tel:+372-5645-9282
+37256048308 +372 5604 8308 5604 8308 tel:+372-5604-8308
+37257876100 +372 5787 6100 5787 6100 tel:+372-5787-6100
+37256098495 +372 5609 8495 5609 8495 tel:+372-5609-8495
+37251938223 +372 5193 8223 5193 8223 tel:+372-5193-8223
+37281524652 +372 8152 4652 8152 4652 tel:+372-8152-4652
+3726760829 +372 676 0829 676 0829 tel:+372-676-0829
+37258999430 +372 5899 9430 5899 9430 tel:+372-5899-9430
+37253494808 +372 5349 4808 5349 4808 tel:+372-5349-4808
+37253782056 +372 5378 2056 5378 2056 tel:+372-5378-2056
+37256484254 +372 5648 4254 5648 4254 tel:+372-5648-4254
+3725181141 +372 518 1141 518 1141 tel:+372-518-1141
+3725155884 +372 515 5884 515 5884 tel:+372-515-5884
+37256828834 +372 5682 8834 5682 8834 tel:+372-5682-8834
+37251976402 +372 5197 6402 5197 6402 tel:+372-5197-6402
+37253330242 +372 5333 0242 5333 0242 tel:+372-5333-0242
+37258138666 +372 5813 8666 5813 8666 tel:+372-5813-8666
+37256724232 +372 5672 4232 5672 4232 tel:+372-5672-4232
+37255681265 +372 5568 1265 5568 1265 tel:+372-5568-1265
+37253617175 +372 5361 7175 5361 7175 tel:+372-5361-7175
+3726601151 +372 660 1151 660 1151 tel:+372-660-1151
+37256925698 +372 5692 5698 5692 5698 tel:+372-5692-5698
+3728882124 +372 888 2124 888 2124 tel:+372-888-2124