Reported phone numbers in Estonia (+372)

Local time
13 945
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +372
E.164 (Country Code): 372
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Tallinn
Language: Estonian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 19:00
Timezone: Europe/Tallinn
Population: 13 945
Land Area: 45 226 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Estonia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Estonia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Estonia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +372 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Valga is 19:00. Valga has a population of 13 945 citiciens (2019-09-05).

Reported phone numbers in Valga

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+37256252470 +372 5625 2470 5625 2470 tel:+372-5625-2470
+37256627280 +372 5662 7280 5662 7280 tel:+372-5662-7280
+37256638487 +372 5663 8487 5663 8487 tel:+372-5663-8487
+37256799985 +372 5679 9985 5679 9985 tel:+372-5679-9985
+37255651338 +372 5565 1338 5565 1338 tel:+372-5565-1338
+37255597046 +372 5559 7046 5559 7046 tel:+372-5559-7046
+37256697842 +372 5669 7842 5669 7842 tel:+372-5669-7842
+3725182344 +372 518 2344 518 2344 tel:+372-518-2344
+37257660934 +372 5766 0934 5766 0934 tel:+372-5766-0934
+37253326923 +372 5332 6923 5332 6923 tel:+372-5332-6923
+37253844353 +372 5384 4353 5384 4353 tel:+372-5384-4353
+37256458999 +372 5645 8999 5645 8999 tel:+372-5645-8999
+3726010412 +372 601 0412 601 0412 tel:+372-601-0412
+37253334001 +372 5333 4001 5333 4001 tel:+372-5333-4001
+3725047864 +372 504 7864 504 7864 tel:+372-504-7864
+3725655110 +372 565 5110 565 5110 tel:+372-565-5110
+3726781396 +372 678 1396 678 1396 tel:+372-678-1396
+3726990631 +372 699 0631 699 0631 tel:+372-699-0631
+37258530661 +372 5853 0661 5853 0661 tel:+372-5853-0661
+3726760779 +372 676 0779 676 0779 tel:+372-676-0779
+37256213172 +372 5621 3172 5621 3172 tel:+372-5621-3172
+37282180453 +372 8218 0453 8218 0453 tel:+372-8218-0453
+37258188302 +372 5818 8302 5818 8302 tel:+372-5818-8302
+37253403838 +372 5340 3838 5340 3838 tel:+372-5340-3838
+37281520769 +372 8152 0769 8152 0769 tel:+372-8152-0769
+37257486743 +372 5748 6743 5748 6743 tel:+372-5748-6743
+37256798077 +372 5679 8077 5679 8077 tel:+372-5679-8077
+37256791228 +372 5679 1228 5679 1228 tel:+372-5679-1228
+3725520215 +372 552 0215 552 0215 tel:+372-552-0215
+3726010107 +372 601 0107 601 0107 tel:+372-601-0107
+37257487422 +372 5748 7422 5748 7422 tel:+372-5748-7422
+3726988245 +372 698 8245 698 8245 tel:+372-698-8245
+37257362378 +372 5736 2378 5736 2378 tel:+372-5736-2378
+37259118145 +372 5911 8145 5911 8145 tel:+372-5911-8145
+37255776609 +372 5577 6609 5577 6609 tel:+372-5577-6609
+37256773160 +372 5677 3160 5677 3160 tel:+372-5677-3160
+37253776299 +372 5377 6299 5377 6299 tel:+372-5377-6299
+37258336627 +372 5833 6627 5833 6627 tel:+372-5833-6627
+37253829347 +372 5382 9347 5382 9347 tel:+372-5382-9347
+3725051897 +372 505 1897 505 1897 tel:+372-505-1897
+37258320297 +372 5832 0297 5832 0297 tel:+372-5832-0297
+3725104939 +372 510 4939 510 4939 tel:+372-510-4939
+3726641811 +372 664 1811 664 1811 tel:+372-664-1811
+37254550894 +372 5455 0894 5455 0894 tel:+372-5455-0894
+37254760777 +372 5476 0777 5476 0777 tel:+372-5476-0777
+3725512894 +372 551 2894 551 2894 tel:+372-551-2894
+37284107548 +372 8410 7548 8410 7548 tel:+372-8410-7548
+37253949792 +372 5394 9792 5394 9792 tel:+372-5394-9792
+37255637498 +372 5563 7498 5563 7498 tel:+372-5563-7498
+37253757210 +372 5375 7210 5375 7210 tel:+372-5375-7210