Reported phone numbers in Estonia (+372)

Local time
13 945
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +372
E.164 (Country Code): 372
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Tallinn
Language: Estonian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 22:40
Timezone: Europe/Tallinn
Population: 13 945
Land Area: 45 226 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Estonia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Estonia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Estonia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +372 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Valga is 22:40. Valga has a population of 13 945 citiciens (2019-09-05).

Reported phone numbers in Valga

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+37282455483 +372 8245 5483 8245 5483 tel:+372-8245-5483
+37258045921 +372 5804 5921 5804 5921 tel:+372-5804-5921
+37256715102 +372 5671 5102 5671 5102 tel:+372-5671-5102
+37255565004 +372 5556 5004 5556 5004 tel:+372-5556-5004
+37255565005 +372 5556 5005 5556 5005 tel:+372-5556-5005
+37258003425 +372 5800 3425 5800 3425 tel:+372-5800-3425
+3725135792 +372 513 5792 513 5792 tel:+372-513-5792
+37253428394 +372 5342 8394 5342 8394 tel:+372-5342-8394
+3726990636 +372 699 0636 699 0636 tel:+372-699-0636
+3726189588 +372 618 9588 618 9588 tel:+372-618-9588
+3725100362 +372 510 0362 510 0362 tel:+372-510-0362
+37255527201 +372 5552 7201 5552 7201 tel:+372-5552-7201
+37255973094 +372 5597 3094 5597 3094 tel:+372-5597-3094
+37256310310 +372 5631 0310 5631 0310 tel:+372-5631-0310
+37255545044 +372 5554 5044 5554 5044 tel:+372-5554-5044
+37256883633 +372 5688 3633 5688 3633 tel:+372-5688-3633
+3726580226 +372 658 0226 658 0226 tel:+372-658-0226
+37258412112 +372 5841 2112 5841 2112 tel:+372-5841-2112
+37258187928 +372 5818 7928 5818 7928 tel:+372-5818-7928
+37289315980 +372 8931 5980 8931 5980 tel:+372-8931-5980
+37253092353 +372 5309 2353 5309 2353 tel:+372-5309-2353
+37253312931 +372 5331 2931 5331 2931 tel:+372-5331-2931
+37254610981 +372 5461 0981 5461 0981 tel:+372-5461-0981
+37253945968 +372 5394 5968 5394 5968 tel:+372-5394-5968
+37256612183 +372 5661 2183 5661 2183 tel:+372-5661-2183
+3726819704 +372 681 9704 681 9704 tel:+372-681-9704
+37256460162 +372 5646 0162 5646 0162 tel:+372-5646-0162
+37258197682 +372 5819 7682 5819 7682 tel:+372-5819-7682
+37256955383 +372 5695 5383 5695 5383 tel:+372-5695-5383
+3726888200 +372 688 8200 688 8200 tel:+372-688-8200
+3725528693 +372 552 8693 552 8693 tel:+372-552-8693
+3725020218 +372 502 0218 502 0218 tel:+372-502-0218
+37256926336 +372 5692 6336 5692 6336 tel:+372-5692-6336
+3725090494 +372 509 0494 509 0494 tel:+372-509-0494
+37253450013 +372 5345 0013 5345 0013 tel:+372-5345-0013
+37258002967 +372 5800 2967 5800 2967 tel:+372-5800-2967
+3726200248 +372 620 0248 620 0248 tel:+372-620-0248
+3726600368 +372 660 0368 660 0368 tel:+372-660-0368
+37253845292 +372 5384 5292 5384 5292 tel:+372-5384-5292
+37258103011 +372 5810 3011 5810 3011 tel:+372-5810-3011
+3728596139 +372 8596139 8596139 tel:+372-8596139
+37258121323 +372 5812 1323 5812 1323 tel:+372-5812-1323
+37258981610 +372 5898 1610 5898 1610 tel:+372-5898-1610
+3726696095 +372 669 6095 669 6095 tel:+372-669-6095
+37255984012 +372 5598 4012 5598 4012 tel:+372-5598-4012
+3726796869 +372 679 6869 679 6869 tel:+372-679-6869
+37258981433 +372 5898 1433 5898 1433 tel:+372-5898-1433
+37256393130 +372 5639 3130 5639 3130 tel:+372-5639-3130
+3726172497 +372 617 2497 617 2497 tel:+372-617-2497
+37256474848 +372 5647 4848 5647 4848 tel:+372-5647-4848