Reported phone numbers in Estonia (+372)

Local time
13 945
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +372
E.164 (Country Code): 372
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Tallinn
Language: Estonian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 19:04
Timezone: Europe/Tallinn
Population: 13 945
Land Area: 45 226 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Estonia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Estonia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Estonia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +372 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Valga is 19:04. Valga has a population of 13 945 citiciens (2019-09-05).

Reported phone numbers in Valga

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+37258190605 +372 5819 0605 5819 0605 tel:+372-5819-0605
+37253656929 +372 5365 6929 5365 6929 tel:+372-5365-6929
+37253064920 +372 5306 4920 5306 4920 tel:+372-5306-4920
+37258961959 +372 5896 1959 5896 1959 tel:+372-5896-1959
+37258126045 +372 5812 6045 5812 6045 tel:+372-5812-6045
+37257486000 +372 5748 6000 5748 6000 tel:+372-5748-6000
+37256894844 +372 5689 4844 5689 4844 tel:+372-5689-4844
+3728800815 +372 880 0815 880 0815 tel:+372-880-0815
+37256615173 +372 5661 5173 5661 5173 tel:+372-5661-5173
+37256855384 +372 5685 5384 5685 5384 tel:+372-5685-5384
+37256680900 +372 5668 0900 5668 0900 tel:+372-5668-0900
+37258434492 +372 5843 4492 5843 4492 tel:+372-5843-4492
+3726990629 +372 699 0629 699 0629 tel:+372-699-0629
+37255623482 +372 5562 3482 5562 3482 tel:+372-5562-3482
+37253822905 +372 5382 2905 5382 2905 tel:+372-5382-2905
+3726125811 +372 612 5811 612 5811 tel:+372-612-5811
+37256392670 +372 5639 2670 5639 2670 tel:+372-5639-2670
+37256719915 +372 5671 9915 5671 9915 tel:+372-5671-9915
+3726682491 +372 668 2491 668 2491 tel:+372-668-2491
+37254720440 +372 5472 0440 5472 0440 tel:+372-5472-0440
+37255531145 +372 5553 1145 5553 1145 tel:+372-5553-1145
+37258259842 +372 5825 9842 5825 9842 tel:+372-5825-9842
+37256130020 +372 5613 0020 5613 0020 tel:+372-5613-0020
+3725087675 +372 508 7675 508 7675 tel:+372-508-7675
+37253583275 +372 5358 3275 5358 3275 tel:+372-5358-3275
+37258088430 +372 5808 8430 5808 8430 tel:+372-5808-8430
+3725101325 +372 510 1325 510 1325 tel:+372-510-1325
+37253092118 +372 5309 2118 5309 2118 tel:+372-5309-2118