Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 00:45
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 00:45.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393403080626 +39 340 308 0626 340 308 0626 tel:+39-340-308-0626
+393403219806 +39 340 321 9806 340 321 9806 tel:+39-340-321-9806
+393403225776 +39 340 322 5776 340 322 5776 tel:+39-340-322-5776
+393403244847 +39 340 324 4847 340 324 4847 tel:+39-340-324-4847
+393403260148 +39 340 326 0148 340 326 0148 tel:+39-340-326-0148
+393403300417 +39 340 330 0417 340 330 0417 tel:+39-340-330-0417
+393403301091 +39 340 330 1091 340 330 1091 tel:+39-340-330-1091
+393403305147 +39 340 330 5147 340 330 5147 tel:+39-340-330-5147
+393403308028 +39 340 330 8028 340 330 8028 tel:+39-340-330-8028
+393403323691 +39 340 332 3691 340 332 3691 tel:+39-340-332-3691
+393403329759 +39 340 332 9759 340 332 9759 tel:+39-340-332-9759
+393403337979 +39 340 333 7979 340 333 7979 tel:+39-340-333-7979
+393403339475 +39 340 333 9475 340 333 9475 tel:+39-340-333-9475
+393403340008 +39 340 334 0008 340 334 0008 tel:+39-340-334-0008
+393403341131 +39 340 334 1131 340 334 1131 tel:+39-340-334-1131
+393403341152 +39 340 334 1152 340 334 1152 tel:+39-340-334-1152
+393403361156 +39 340 336 1156 340 336 1156 tel:+39-340-336-1156
+393403363661 +39 340 336 3661 340 336 3661 tel:+39-340-336-3661
+393403367788 +39 340 336 7788 340 336 7788 tel:+39-340-336-7788
+393403388424 +39 340 338 8424 340 338 8424 tel:+39-340-338-8424
+393403403613 +39 340 340 3613 340 340 3613 tel:+39-340-340-3613
+393403422819 +39 340 342 2819 340 342 2819 tel:+39-340-342-2819
+393403424368 +39 340 342 4368 340 342 4368 tel:+39-340-342-4368
+393403425962 +39 340 342 5962 340 342 5962 tel:+39-340-342-5962
+393403428166 +39 340 342 8166 340 342 8166 tel:+39-340-342-8166
+393403436003 +39 340 343 6003 340 343 6003 tel:+39-340-343-6003
+393403441681 +39 340 344 1681 340 344 1681 tel:+39-340-344-1681
+393403441725 +39 340 344 1725 340 344 1725 tel:+39-340-344-1725
+393403444215 +39 340 344 4215 340 344 4215 tel:+39-340-344-4215
+393403449164 +39 340 344 9164 340 344 9164 tel:+39-340-344-9164
+393403449873 +39 340 344 9873 340 344 9873 tel:+39-340-344-9873
+393403454099 +39 340 345 4099 340 345 4099 tel:+39-340-345-4099
+393403454994 +39 340 345 4994 340 345 4994 tel:+39-340-345-4994
+393403455958 +39 340 345 5958 340 345 5958 tel:+39-340-345-5958
+393403459112 +39 340 345 9112 340 345 9112 tel:+39-340-345-9112
+393403463013 +39 340 346 3013 340 346 3013 tel:+39-340-346-3013
+393403464358 +39 340 346 4358 340 346 4358 tel:+39-340-346-4358
+393403465057 +39 340 346 5057 340 346 5057 tel:+39-340-346-5057
+393403466079 +39 340 346 6079 340 346 6079 tel:+39-340-346-6079
+393403467243 +39 340 346 7243 340 346 7243 tel:+39-340-346-7243
+393403468031 +39 340 346 8031 340 346 8031 tel:+39-340-346-8031
+393403471219 +39 340 347 1219 340 347 1219 tel:+39-340-347-1219
+393403472162 +39 340 347 2162 340 347 2162 tel:+39-340-347-2162
+393403478384 +39 340 347 8384 340 347 8384 tel:+39-340-347-8384
+393403489615 +39 340 348 9615 340 348 9615 tel:+39-340-348-9615
+393403500555 +39 340 350 0555 340 350 0555 tel:+39-340-350-0555
+393403502017 +39 340 350 2017 340 350 2017 tel:+39-340-350-2017
+393403515749 +39 340 351 5749 340 351 5749 tel:+39-340-351-5749
+393403543332 +39 340 354 3332 340 354 3332 tel:+39-340-354-3332
+393403566471 +39 340 356 6471 340 356 6471 tel:+39-340-356-6471