Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 15:50
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 15:50.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393102233526 +39 310 223 3526 310 223 3526 tel:+39-310-223-3526
+393102856987 +39 310 285 6987 310 285 6987 tel:+39-310-285-6987
+393105624357 +39 310 562 4357 310 562 4357 tel:+39-310-562-4357
+393105696874 +39 310 569 6874 310 569 6874 tel:+39-310-569-6874
+393106932561 +39 310 693 2561 310 693 2561 tel:+39-310-693-2561
+393108011712 +39 310 801 1712 310 801 1712 tel:+39-310-801-1712
+393108062217 +39 310 806 2217 310 806 2217 tel:+39-310-806-2217
+393108081712 +39 310 808 1712 310 808 1712 tel:+39-310-808-1712
+393108102217 +39 310 810 2217 310 810 2217 tel:+39-310-810-2217
+393108121712 +39 310 812 1712 310 812 1712 tel:+39-310-812-1712
+393108132217 +39 310 813 2217 310 813 2217 tel:+39-310-813-2217
+393108162217 +39 310 816 2217 310 816 2217 tel:+39-310-816-2217
+393108172217 +39 310 817 2217 310 817 2217 tel:+39-310-817-2217
+393108241711 +39 310 824 1711 310 824 1711 tel:+39-310-824-1711
+393108271711 +39 310 827 1711 310 827 1711 tel:+39-310-827-1711
+393108281711 +39 310 828 1711 310 828 1711 tel:+39-310-828-1711
+393108292216 +39 310 829 2216 310 829 2216 tel:+39-310-829-2216
+393108332216 +39 310 833 2216 310 833 2216 tel:+39-310-833-2216
+393108352216 +39 310 835 2216 310 835 2216 tel:+39-310-835-2216
+393108425256 +39 310 842 5256 310 842 5256 tel:+39-310-842-5256
+393199052043 +39 319 905 2043 319 905 2043 tel:+39-319-905-2043
+393204670601 +39 320 467 0601 320 467 0601 tel:+39-320-467-0601
+393204670859 +39 320 467 0859 320 467 0859 tel:+39-320-467-0859
+393204670909 +39 320 467 0909 320 467 0909 tel:+39-320-467-0909
+393204670964 +39 320 467 0964 320 467 0964 tel:+39-320-467-0964
+393204670972 +39 320 467 0972 320 467 0972 tel:+39-320-467-0972
+393204670973 +39 320 467 0973 320 467 0973 tel:+39-320-467-0973
+393204670980 +39 320 467 0980 320 467 0980 tel:+39-320-467-0980
+393204670998 +39 320 467 0998 320 467 0998 tel:+39-320-467-0998
+393204671008 +39 320 467 1008 320 467 1008 tel:+39-320-467-1008
+393204671012 +39 320 467 1012 320 467 1012 tel:+39-320-467-1012
+393204693835 +39 320 469 3835 320 469 3835 tel:+39-320-469-3835
+393204745932 +39 320 474 5932 320 474 5932 tel:+39-320-474-5932
+393205311584 +39 320 531 1584 320 531 1584 tel:+39-320-531-1584
+393205531897 +39 320 553 1897 320 553 1897 tel:+39-320-553-1897
+393205547644 +39 320 554 7644 320 554 7644 tel:+39-320-554-7644
+393205581264 +39 320 558 1264 320 558 1264 tel:+39-320-558-1264
+393205583409 +39 320 558 3409 320 558 3409 tel:+39-320-558-3409
+393205644649 +39 320 564 4649 320 564 4649 tel:+39-320-564-4649
+393205661988 +39 320 566 1988 320 566 1988 tel:+39-320-566-1988
+393205776776 +39 320 577 6776 320 577 6776 tel:+39-320-577-6776
+393206124898 +39 320 612 4898 320 612 4898 tel:+39-320-612-4898
+393206152690 +39 320 615 2690 320 615 2690 tel:+39-320-615-2690
+393206158166 +39 320 615 8166 320 615 8166 tel:+39-320-615-8166
+393206216206 +39 320 621 6206 320 621 6206 tel:+39-320-621-6206
+393206267677 +39 320 626 7677 320 626 7677 tel:+39-320-626-7677
+393206273283 +39 320 627 3283 320 627 3283 tel:+39-320-627-3283
+393206303169 +39 320 630 3169 320 630 3169 tel:+39-320-630-3169
+393206319142 +39 320 631 9142 320 631 9142 tel:+39-320-631-9142
+393206340037 +39 320 634 0037 320 634 0037 tel:+39-320-634-0037