Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 15:39
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 15:39.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393902400455 +39 390 240 0455 390 240 0455 tel:+39-390-240-0455
+393902400456 +39 390 240 0456 390 240 0456 tel:+39-390-240-0456
+393902409020 +39 390 240 9020 390 240 9020 tel:+39-390-240-9020
+393902409091 +39 390 240 9091 390 240 9091 tel:+39-390-240-9091
+393902424047 +39 390 242 4047 390 242 4047 tel:+39-390-242-4047
+393902443831 +39 390 244 3831 390 244 3831 tel:+39-390-244-3831
+393902454001 +39 390 245 4001 390 245 4001 tel:+39-390-245-4001
+393902454044 +39 390 245 4044 390 245 4044 tel:+39-390-245-4044
+393902454208 +39 390 245 4208 390 245 4208 tel:+39-390-245-4208
+393902454490 +39 390 245 4490 390 245 4490 tel:+39-390-245-4490
+393902457890 +39 390 245 7890 390 245 7890 tel:+39-390-245-7890
+393902485411 +39 390 248 5411 390 248 5411 tel:+39-390-248-5411
+393902568923 +39 390 256 8923 390 256 8923 tel:+39-390-256-8923
+393902623922 +39 390 262 3922 390 262 3922 tel:+39-390-262-3922
+393902625574 +39 390 262 5574 390 262 5574 tel:+39-390-262-5574
+393902645238 +39 390 264 5238 390 264 5238 tel:+39-390-264-5238
+393902652523 +39 390 265 2523 390 265 2523 tel:+39-390-265-2523
+393902658524 +39 390 265 8524 390 265 8524 tel:+39-390-265-8524
+393902658997 +39 390 265 8997 390 265 8997 tel:+39-390-265-8997
+393902665214 +39 390 266 5214 390 266 5214 tel:+39-390-266-5214
+393902667433 +39 390 266 7433 390 266 7433 tel:+39-390-266-7433
+393902667574 +39 390 266 7574 390 266 7574 tel:+39-390-266-7574
+393902777119 +39 390 277 7119 390 277 7119 tel:+39-390-277-7119
+393902800190 +39 390 280 0190 390 280 0190 tel:+39-390-280-0190
+393902818381 +39 390 281 8381 390 281 8381 tel:+39-390-281-8381
+393902824644 +39 390 282 4644 390 282 4644 tel:+39-390-282-4644
+393902842529 +39 390 284 2529 390 284 2529 tel:+39-390-284-2529
+393902868835 +39 390 286 8835 390 286 8835 tel:+39-390-286-8835
+393902871071 +39 390 287 1071 390 287 1071 tel:+39-390-287-1071
+393902871074 +39 390 287 1074 390 287 1074 tel:+39-390-287-1074
+393902871145 +39 390 287 1145 390 287 1145 tel:+39-390-287-1145
+393902871146 +39 390 287 1146 390 287 1146 tel:+39-390-287-1146
+393902871422 +39 390 287 1422 390 287 1422 tel:+39-390-287-1422
+393902871429 +39 390 287 1429 390 287 1429 tel:+39-390-287-1429
+393902871430 +39 390 287 1430 390 287 1430 tel:+39-390-287-1430
+393902871431 +39 390 287 1431 390 287 1431 tel:+39-390-287-1431
+393902893625 +39 390 289 3625 390 289 3625 tel:+39-390-289-3625
+393902897318 +39 390 289 7318 390 289 7318 tel:+39-390-289-7318
+393902906884 +39 390 290 6884 390 290 6884 tel:+39-390-290-6884
+393902916461 +39 390 291 6461 390 291 6461 tel:+39-390-291-6461
+393902919797 +39 390 291 9797 390 291 9797 tel:+39-390-291-9797
+393902929533 +39 390 292 9533 390 292 9533 tel:+39-390-292-9533
+393902943212 +39 390 294 3212 390 294 3212 tel:+39-390-294-3212
+393902954348 +39 390 295 4348 390 295 4348 tel:+39-390-295-4348
+393902970644 +39 390 297 0644 390 297 0644 tel:+39-390-297-0644
+393902971547 +39 390 297 1547 390 297 1547 tel:+39-390-297-1547
+393902976919 +39 390 297 6919 390 297 6919 tel:+39-390-297-6919
+393902985623 +39 390 298 5623 390 298 5623 tel:+39-390-298-5623
+393903044207 +39 390 304 4207 390 304 4207 tel:+39-390-304-4207
+393903076831 +39 390 307 6831 390 307 6831 tel:+39-390-307-6831