Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 19:03
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 19:03.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393901051607 +39 390 105 1607 390 105 1607 tel:+39-390-105-1607
+393901081801 +39 390 108 1801 390 108 1801 tel:+39-390-108-1801
+393901099971 +39 390 109 9971 390 109 9971 tel:+39-390-109-9971
+393901109271 +39 390 110 9271 390 110 9271 tel:+39-390-110-9271
+393901112344 +39 390 111 2344 390 111 2344 tel:+39-390-111-2344
+393901122480 +39 390 112 2480 390 112 2480 tel:+39-390-112-2480
+393901130138 +39 390 113 0138 390 113 0138 tel:+39-390-113-0138
+393901134512 +39 390 113 4512 390 113 4512 tel:+39-390-113-4512
+393901150668 +39 390 115 0668 390 115 0668 tel:+39-390-115-0668
+393901151515 +39 390 115 1515 390 115 1515 tel:+39-390-115-1515
+393901156998 +39 390 115 6998 390 115 6998 tel:+39-390-115-6998
+393901162873 +39 390 116 2873 390 116 2873 tel:+39-390-116-2873
+393901165231 +39 390 116 5231 390 116 5231 tel:+39-390-116-5231
+393901168975 +39 390 116 8975 390 116 8975 tel:+39-390-116-8975
+393901558298 +39 390 155 8298 390 155 8298 tel:+39-390-155-8298
+393901835771 +39 390 183 5771 390 183 5771 tel:+39-390-183-5771
+393901871579 +39 390 187 1579 390 187 1579 tel:+39-390-187-1579
+393902000187 +39 390 200 0187 390 200 0187 tel:+39-390-200-0187
+393902010381 +39 390 201 0381 390 201 0381 tel:+39-390-201-0381
+393902010551 +39 390 201 0551 390 201 0551 tel:+39-390-201-0551
+393902010577 +39 390 201 0577 390 201 0577 tel:+39-390-201-0577
+393902011234 +39 390 201 1234 390 201 1234 tel:+39-390-201-1234
+393902064356 +39 390 206 4356 390 206 4356 tel:+39-390-206-4356
+393902094315 +39 390 209 4315 390 209 4315 tel:+39-390-209-4315
+393902094322 +39 390 209 4322 390 209 4322 tel:+39-390-209-4322
+393902187187 +39 390 218 7187 390 218 7187 tel:+39-390-218-7187
+393902198700 +39 390 219 8700 390 219 8700 tel:+39-390-219-8700
+393902216069 +39 390 221 6069 390 221 6069 tel:+39-390-221-6069
+393902221959 +39 390 222 1959 390 222 1959 tel:+39-390-222-1959
+393902277921 +39 390 227 7921 390 227 7921 tel:+39-390-227-7921
+393902300004 +39 390 230 0004 390 230 0004 tel:+39-390-230-0004
+393902301853 +39 390 230 1853 390 230 1853 tel:+39-390-230-1853
+393902320040 +39 390 232 0040 390 232 0040 tel:+39-390-232-0040
+393902320045 +39 390 232 0045 390 232 0045 tel:+39-390-232-0045
+393902320047 +39 390 232 0047 390 232 0047 tel:+39-390-232-0047
+393902323299 +39 390 232 3299 390 232 3299 tel:+39-390-232-3299
+393902332229 +39 390 233 2229 390 233 2229 tel:+39-390-233-2229
+393902361051 +39 390 236 1051 390 236 1051 tel:+39-390-236-1051
+393902366161 +39 390 236 6161 390 236 6161 tel:+39-390-236-6161
+393902366590 +39 390 236 6590 390 236 6590 tel:+39-390-236-6590
+393902367005 +39 390 236 7005 390 236 7005 tel:+39-390-236-7005
+393902367009 +39 390 236 7009 390 236 7009 tel:+39-390-236-7009
+393902370581 +39 390 237 0581 390 237 0581 tel:+39-390-237-0581
+393902370583 +39 390 237 0583 390 237 0583 tel:+39-390-237-0583
+393902370704 +39 390 237 0704 390 237 0704 tel:+39-390-237-0704
+393902375415 +39 390 237 5415 390 237 5415 tel:+39-390-237-5415
+393902396462 +39 390 239 6462 390 239 6462 tel:+39-390-239-6462
+393902396526 +39 390 239 6526 390 239 6526 tel:+39-390-239-6526
+393902396527 +39 390 239 6527 390 239 6527 tel:+39-390-239-6527
+393902400454 +39 390 240 0454 390 240 0454 tel:+39-390-240-0454