Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 06:05
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 06:05.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393206417512 +39 320 641 7512 320 641 7512 tel:+39-320-641-7512
+393206461116 +39 320 646 1116 320 646 1116 tel:+39-320-646-1116
+393206576950 +39 320 657 6950 320 657 6950 tel:+39-320-657-6950
+393206637266 +39 320 663 7266 320 663 7266 tel:+39-320-663-7266
+393206730063 +39 320 673 0063 320 673 0063 tel:+39-320-673-0063
+393206754819 +39 320 675 4819 320 675 4819 tel:+39-320-675-4819
+393206785607 +39 320 678 5607 320 678 5607 tel:+39-320-678-5607
+393206872248 +39 320 687 2248 320 687 2248 tel:+39-320-687-2248
+393207042892 +39 320 704 2892 320 704 2892 tel:+39-320-704-2892
+393207066590 +39 320 706 6590 320 706 6590 tel:+39-320-706-6590
+393207153420 +39 320 715 3420 320 715 3420 tel:+39-320-715-3420
+393207217393 +39 320 721 7393 320 721 7393 tel:+39-320-721-7393
+393207260103 +39 320 726 0103 320 726 0103 tel:+39-320-726-0103
+393207266157 +39 320 726 6157 320 726 6157 tel:+39-320-726-6157
+393207289061 +39 320 728 9061 320 728 9061 tel:+39-320-728-9061
+393207556987 +39 320 755 6987 320 755 6987 tel:+39-320-755-6987
+393207578694 +39 320 757 8694 320 757 8694 tel:+39-320-757-8694
+393207609808 +39 320 760 9808 320 760 9808 tel:+39-320-760-9808
+393207632965 +39 320 763 2965 320 763 2965 tel:+39-320-763-2965
+393207663200 +39 320 766 3200 320 766 3200 tel:+39-320-766-3200
+393207764603 +39 320 776 4603 320 776 4603 tel:+39-320-776-4603
+393207883348 +39 320 788 3348 320 788 3348 tel:+39-320-788-3348
+393207963842 +39 320 796 3842 320 796 3842 tel:+39-320-796-3842
+393208026304 +39 320 802 6304 320 802 6304 tel:+39-320-802-6304
+393208211141 +39 320 821 1141 320 821 1141 tel:+39-320-821-1141
+393208259990 +39 320 825 9990 320 825 9990 tel:+39-320-825-9990
+393208271629 +39 320 827 1629 320 827 1629 tel:+39-320-827-1629
+393208357109 +39 320 835 7109 320 835 7109 tel:+39-320-835-7109
+393208364976 +39 320 836 4976 320 836 4976 tel:+39-320-836-4976
+393208384867 +39 320 838 4867 320 838 4867 tel:+39-320-838-4867
+393208396486 +39 320 839 6486 320 839 6486 tel:+39-320-839-6486
+393208408841 +39 320 840 8841 320 840 8841 tel:+39-320-840-8841
+393208421539 +39 320 842 1539 320 842 1539 tel:+39-320-842-1539
+393208435838 +39 320 843 5838 320 843 5838 tel:+39-320-843-5838
+393208469372 +39 320 846 9372 320 846 9372 tel:+39-320-846-9372
+393208474475 +39 320 847 4475 320 847 4475 tel:+39-320-847-4475
+393208478509 +39 320 847 8509 320 847 8509 tel:+39-320-847-8509
+393208484068 +39 320 848 4068 320 848 4068 tel:+39-320-848-4068
+393208508612 +39 320 850 8612 320 850 8612 tel:+39-320-850-8612
+393208513620 +39 320 851 3620 320 851 3620 tel:+39-320-851-3620
+393208668322 +39 320 866 8322 320 866 8322 tel:+39-320-866-8322
+393208716964 +39 320 871 6964 320 871 6964 tel:+39-320-871-6964
+393208816214 +39 320 881 6214 320 881 6214 tel:+39-320-881-6214
+393208837726 +39 320 883 7726 320 883 7726 tel:+39-320-883-7726
+393208911408 +39 320 891 1408 320 891 1408 tel:+39-320-891-1408
+393208973171 +39 320 897 3171 320 897 3171 tel:+39-320-897-3171
+393209007641 +39 320 900 7641 320 900 7641 tel:+39-320-900-7641
+393209043937 +39 320 904 3937 320 904 3937 tel:+39-320-904-3937
+393209048980 +39 320 904 8980 320 904 8980 tel:+39-320-904-8980
+393209054553 +39 320 905 4553 320 905 4553 tel:+39-320-905-4553