Reported phone numbers in Peru (+51)

Area code
Local time
1 364 362
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +51
E.164 (Country Code): 51
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Lima
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Peruvian Nuevo Sol (PEN)
Local Time: 18:31
Timezone: America/Lima
Population: 1 364 362
Land Area: 1 285 220 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Peru without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Peru but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Peru / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +51 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Puno is 18:31. Puno has a population of 1 364 362 citiciens (2013-11-07).

Reported phone numbers in Puno

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+51900123190 +51 900 123 190 900 123 190 tel:+51-900-123-190
+51900178269 +51 900 178 269 900 178 269 tel:+51-900-178-269
+51900318651 +51 900 318 651 900 318 651 tel:+51-900-318-651
+51900397339 +51 900 397 339 900 397 339 tel:+51-900-397-339
+51900607833 +51 900 607 833 900 607 833 tel:+51-900-607-833
+51901806300 +51 901 806 300 901 806 300 tel:+51-901-806-300
+51901833093 +51 901 833 093 901 833 093 tel:+51-901-833-093
+51901838277 +51 901 838 277 901 838 277 tel:+51-901-838-277
+51901880592 +51 901 880 592 901 880 592 tel:+51-901-880-592
+51901891778 +51 901 891 778 901 891 778 tel:+51-901-891-778
+51907071469 +51 907 071 469 907 071 469 tel:+51-907-071-469
+51909230872 +51 909 230 872 909 230 872 tel:+51-909-230-872
+51909237204 +51 909 237 204 909 237 204 tel:+51-909-237-204
+51909453782 +51 909 453 782 909 453 782 tel:+51-909-453-782
+51909797527 +51 909 797 527 909 797 527 tel:+51-909-797-527
+51914501573 +51 914 501 573 914 501 573 tel:+51-914-501-573
+51918273645 +51 918 273 645 918 273 645 tel:+51-918-273-645
+51918349762 +51 918 349 762 918 349 762 tel:+51-918-349-762
+51919456932 +51 919 456 932 919 456 932 tel:+51-919-456-932
+51919788651 +51 919 788 651 919 788 651 tel:+51-919-788-651
+51920014519 +51 920 014 519 920 014 519 tel:+51-920-014-519
+51922065469 +51 922 065 469 922 065 469 tel:+51-922-065-469
+51922185515 +51 922 185 515 922 185 515 tel:+51-922-185-515
+51922975046 +51 922 975 046 922 975 046 tel:+51-922-975-046
+51923202829 +51 923 202 829 923 202 829 tel:+51-923-202-829
+51923202980 +51 923 202 980 923 202 980 tel:+51-923-202-980
+51923227449 +51 923 227 449 923 227 449 tel:+51-923-227-449
+51923262273 +51 923 262 273 923 262 273 tel:+51-923-262-273
+51923346765 +51 923 346 765 923 346 765 tel:+51-923-346-765
+51923644139 +51 923 644 139 923 644 139 tel:+51-923-644-139
+51923843938 +51 923 843 938 923 843 938 tel:+51-923-843-938
+51923843979 +51 923 843 979 923 843 979 tel:+51-923-843-979
+51923844064 +51 923 844 064 923 844 064 tel:+51-923-844-064
+51923907678 +51 923 907 678 923 907 678 tel:+51-923-907-678
+51923990944 +51 923 990 944 923 990 944 tel:+51-923-990-944
+51924597292 +51 924 597 292 924 597 292 tel:+51-924-597-292
+51932429831 +51 932 429 831 932 429 831 tel:+51-932-429-831
+51932716304 +51 932 716 304 932 716 304 tel:+51-932-716-304
+51933894190 +51 933 894 190 933 894 190 tel:+51-933-894-190
+51934001513 +51 934 001 513 934 001 513 tel:+51-934-001-513
+51934579950 +51 934 579 950 934 579 950 tel:+51-934-579-950
+51934579951 +51 934 579 951 934 579 951 tel:+51-934-579-951
+51934879976 +51 934 879 976 934 879 976 tel:+51-934-879-976
+51934894065 +51 934 894 065 934 894 065 tel:+51-934-894-065
+51934894187 +51 934 894 187 934 894 187 tel:+51-934-894-187
+51934941889 +51 934 941 889 934 941 889 tel:+51-934-941-889
+51936139400 +51 936 139 400 936 139 400 tel:+51-936-139-400
+51936140160 +51 936 140 160 936 140 160 tel:+51-936-140-160
+51936362340 +51 936 362 340 936 362 340 tel:+51-936-362-340
+51936495766 +51 936 495 766 936 495 766 tel:+51-936-495-766