Reported phone numbers in Peru (+51)

Area code
Local time
1 364 362
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +51
E.164 (Country Code): 51
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Lima
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Peruvian Nuevo Sol (PEN)
Local Time: 02:31
Timezone: America/Lima
Population: 1 364 362
Land Area: 1 285 220 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Peru without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Peru but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Peru / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +51 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Puno is 02:31. Puno has a population of 1 364 362 citiciens (2013-11-07).

Reported phone numbers in Puno

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+51982998104 +51 982 998 104 982 998 104 tel:+51-982-998-104
+51982998108 +51 982 998 108 982 998 108 tel:+51-982-998-108
+51982998109 +51 982 998 109 982 998 109 tel:+51-982-998-109
+51982998110 +51 982 998 110 982 998 110 tel:+51-982-998-110
+51982998116 +51 982 998 116 982 998 116 tel:+51-982-998-116
+51982998118 +51 982 998 118 982 998 118 tel:+51-982-998-118
+51982998120 +51 982 998 120 982 998 120 tel:+51-982-998-120
+51982998121 +51 982 998 121 982 998 121 tel:+51-982-998-121
+51982998122 +51 982 998 122 982 998 122 tel:+51-982-998-122
+51982998124 +51 982 998 124 982 998 124 tel:+51-982-998-124
+51982998125 +51 982 998 125 982 998 125 tel:+51-982-998-125
+51982998126 +51 982 998 126 982 998 126 tel:+51-982-998-126
+51982998127 +51 982 998 127 982 998 127 tel:+51-982-998-127
+51982998128 +51 982 998 128 982 998 128 tel:+51-982-998-128
+51982998129 +51 982 998 129 982 998 129 tel:+51-982-998-129
+51982998131 +51 982 998 131 982 998 131 tel:+51-982-998-131
+51982998132 +51 982 998 132 982 998 132 tel:+51-982-998-132
+51982998146 +51 982 998 146 982 998 146 tel:+51-982-998-146
+51982998148 +51 982 998 148 982 998 148 tel:+51-982-998-148
+51982998150 +51 982 998 150 982 998 150 tel:+51-982-998-150
+51982998151 +51 982 998 151 982 998 151 tel:+51-982-998-151
+51982998152 +51 982 998 152 982 998 152 tel:+51-982-998-152
+51982998153 +51 982 998 153 982 998 153 tel:+51-982-998-153
+51982998154 +51 982 998 154 982 998 154 tel:+51-982-998-154
+51982998155 +51 982 998 155 982 998 155 tel:+51-982-998-155
+51982998156 +51 982 998 156 982 998 156 tel:+51-982-998-156
+51982998157 +51 982 998 157 982 998 157 tel:+51-982-998-157
+51982998161 +51 982 998 161 982 998 161 tel:+51-982-998-161
+51982998163 +51 982 998 163 982 998 163 tel:+51-982-998-163
+51983252260 +51 983 252 260 983 252 260 tel:+51-983-252-260
+51984195701 +51 984 195 701 984 195 701 tel:+51-984-195-701
+51984196670 +51 984 196 670 984 196 670 tel:+51-984-196-670
+51984197639 +51 984 197 639 984 197 639 tel:+51-984-197-639
+51987123456 +51 987 123 456 987 123 456 tel:+51-987-123-456
+51987525735 +51 987 525 735 987 525 735 tel:+51-987-525-735
+51987526096 +51 987 526 096 987 526 096 tel:+51-987-526-096
+51987654321 +51 987 654 321 987 654 321 tel:+51-987-654-321
+51988747477 +51 988 747 477 988 747 477 tel:+51-988-747-477
+51989065411 +51 989 065 411 989 065 411 tel:+51-989-065-411
+51989065478 +51 989 065 478 989 065 478 tel:+51-989-065-478
+51989360223 +51 989 360 223 989 360 223 tel:+51-989-360-223
+51990443650 +51 990 443 650 990 443 650 tel:+51-990-443-650
+51990997992 +51 990 997 992 990 997 992 tel:+51-990-997-992
+51990999564 +51 990 999 564 990 999 564 tel:+51-990-999-564
+51991041057 +51 991 041 057 991 041 057 tel:+51-991-041-057
+51991151636 +51 991 151 636 991 151 636 tel:+51-991-151-636
+51991917887 +51 991 917 887 991 917 887 tel:+51-991-917-887
+51992803364 +51 992 803 364 992 803 364 tel:+51-992-803-364
+51994090404 +51 994 090 404 994 090 404 tel:+51-994-090-404
+51994630136 +51 994 630 136 994 630 136 tel:+51-994-630-136