Reported phone numbers in Peru (+51)

Area code
Local time
1 364 362
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +51
E.164 (Country Code): 51
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Lima
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Peruvian Nuevo Sol (PEN)
Local Time: 10:39
Timezone: America/Lima
Population: 1 364 362
Land Area: 1 285 220 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Peru without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Peru but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Peru / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +51 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Puno is 10:39. Puno has a population of 1 364 362 citiciens (2013-11-07).

Reported phone numbers in Puno

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+5119006935 +51 1 9006935 (01) 9006935 tel:+51-1-9006935
+5119806941 +51 1 9806941 (01) 9806941 tel:+51-1-9806941
+51961726097 +51 961 726 097 961 726 097 tel:+51-961-726-097
+51961726109 +51 961 726 109 961 726 109 tel:+51-961-726-109
+51962783037 +51 962 783 037 962 783 037 tel:+51-962-783-037
+51962784948 +51 962 784 948 962 784 948 tel:+51-962-784-948
+51962784980 +51 962 784 980 962 784 980 tel:+51-962-784-980
+51962785927 +51 962 785 927 962 785 927 tel:+51-962-785-927
+51962786879 +51 962 786 879 962 786 879 tel:+51-962-786-879
+51964205366 +51 964 205 366 964 205 366 tel:+51-964-205-366
+51964206317 +51 964 206 317 964 206 317 tel:+51-964-206-317
+51965303032 +51 965 303 032 965 303 032 tel:+51-965-303-032
+51966327864 +51 966 327 864 966 327 864 tel:+51-966-327-864
+51967725533 +51 967 725 533 967 725 533 tel:+51-967-725-533
+51970304443 +51 970 304 443 970 304 443 tel:+51-970-304-443
+51970304514 +51 970 304 514 970 304 514 tel:+51-970-304-514
+51970304625 +51 970 304 625 970 304 625 tel:+51-970-304-625
+51970305244 +51 970 305 244 970 305 244 tel:+51-970-305-244
+51970305263 +51 970 305 263 970 305 263 tel:+51-970-305-263
+51970338515 +51 970 338 515 970 338 515 tel:+51-970-338-515
+51973700000 +51 973 700 000 973 700 000 tel:+51-973-700-000
+51973700002 +51 973 700 002 973 700 002 tel:+51-973-700-002
+51973700102 +51 973 700 102 973 700 102 tel:+51-973-700-102
+51973700104 +51 973 700 104 973 700 104 tel:+51-973-700-104
+51973700105 +51 973 700 105 973 700 105 tel:+51-973-700-105
+51973700106 +51 973 700 106 973 700 106 tel:+51-973-700-106
+51973700107 +51 973 700 107 973 700 107 tel:+51-973-700-107
+51973700108 +51 973 700 108 973 700 108 tel:+51-973-700-108
+51973700109 +51 973 700 109 973 700 109 tel:+51-973-700-109
+51973700111 +51 973 700 111 973 700 111 tel:+51-973-700-111
+51974774602 +51 974 774 602 974 774 602 tel:+51-974-774-602
+51975079516 +51 975 079 516 975 079 516 tel:+51-975-079-516
+51977594097 +51 977 594 097 977 594 097 tel:+51-977-594-097
+51977594183 +51 977 594 183 977 594 183 tel:+51-977-594-183
+51977594196 +51 977 594 196 977 594 196 tel:+51-977-594-196
+51977594674 +51 977 594 674 977 594 674 tel:+51-977-594-674
+51977602173 +51 977 602 173 977 602 173 tel:+51-977-602-173
+51977686594 +51 977 686 594 977 686 594 tel:+51-977-686-594
+51977686672 +51 977 686 672 977 686 672 tel:+51-977-686-672
+51977801218 +51 977 801 218 977 801 218 tel:+51-977-801-218
+51977834284 +51 977 834 284 977 834 284 tel:+51-977-834-284
+51980076614 +51 980 076 614 980 076 614 tel:+51-980-076-614
+51981251348 +51 981 251 348 981 251 348 tel:+51-981-251-348
+51982997010 +51 982 997 010 982 997 010 tel:+51-982-997-010
+51982997011 +51 982 997 011 982 997 011 tel:+51-982-997-011
+51982997012 +51 982 997 012 982 997 012 tel:+51-982-997-012
+51982997013 +51 982 997 013 982 997 013 tel:+51-982-997-013
+51982997014 +51 982 997 014 982 997 014 tel:+51-982-997-014
+51982997015 +51 982 997 015 982 997 015 tel:+51-982-997-015
+51982997020 +51 982 997 020 982 997 020 tel:+51-982-997-020