Reported phone numbers in Peru (+51)

Area code
Local time
9:23:25 AM
1 364 362
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +51
E.164 (Country Code): 51
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Lima
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Peruvian Nuevo Sol (PEN)
Local Time: 09:23:25
Time difference: 5 hours behind you
Timezone: America/Lima
Population: 1 364 362
Land Area: 1 285 220 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Peru without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Peru but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Peru / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +51 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Puno is 09:23:25. Puno has a population of 1 364 362 citiciens (2013-11-07).

Reported phone numbers in Puno

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+51936857469 +51 936 857 469 936 857 469 tel:+51-936-857-469
+51936865036 +51 936 865 036 936 865 036 tel:+51-936-865-036
+51936874258 +51 936 874 258 936 874 258 tel:+51-936-874-258
+51936874979 +51 936 874 979 936 874 979 tel:+51-936-874-979
+51936915524 +51 936 915 524 936 915 524 tel:+51-936-915-524
+51936915574 +51 936 915 574 936 915 574 tel:+51-936-915-574
+51936920343 +51 936 920 343 936 920 343 tel:+51-936-920-343
+51936920373 +51 936 920 373 936 920 373 tel:+51-936-920-373
+51936920385 +51 936 920 385 936 920 385 tel:+51-936-920-385
+51941758065 +51 941 758 065 941 758 065 tel:+51-941-758-065
+51941812087 +51 941 812 087 941 812 087 tel:+51-941-812-087
+51941821533 +51 941 821 533 941 821 533 tel:+51-941-821-533
+51941854602 +51 941 854 602 941 854 602 tel:+51-941-854-602
+51943125862 +51 943 125 862 943 125 862 tel:+51-943-125-862
+51943469064 +51 943 469 064 943 469 064 tel:+51-943-469-064
+51944624288 +51 944 624 288 944 624 288 tel:+51-944-624-288
+51945030022 +51 945 030 022 945 030 022 tel:+51-945-030-022
+51945030040 +51 945 030 040 945 030 040 tel:+51-945-030-040
+51946022542 +51 946 022 542 946 022 542 tel:+51-946-022-542
+51947158033 +51 947 158 033 947 158 033 tel:+51-947-158-033
+51947161477 +51 947 161 477 947 161 477 tel:+51-947-161-477
+51947241350 +51 947 241 350 947 241 350 tel:+51-947-241-350
+51947319387 +51 947 319 387 947 319 387 tel:+51-947-319-387
+51947492141 +51 947 492 141 947 492 141 tel:+51-947-492-141
+51947551628 +51 947 551 628 947 551 628 tel:+51-947-551-628
+51947983237 +51 947 983 237 947 983 237 tel:+51-947-983-237
+51947983946 +51 947 983 946 947 983 946 tel:+51-947-983-946
+51947984181 +51 947 984 181 947 984 181 tel:+51-947-984-181
+51947985261 +51 947 985 261 947 985 261 tel:+51-947-985-261
+51948078908 +51 948 078 908 948 078 908 tel:+51-948-078-908
+51950726541 +51 950 726 541 950 726 541 tel:+51-950-726-541
+51951222544 +51 951 222 544 951 222 544 tel:+51-951-222-544
+51951223485 +51 951 223 485 951 223 485 tel:+51-951-223-485
+51951228254 +51 951 228 254 951 228 254 tel:+51-951-228-254
+51951228292 +51 951 228 292 951 228 292 tel:+51-951-228-292
+51951228295 +51 951 228 295 951 228 295 tel:+51-951-228-295
+51954671222 +51 954 671 222 954 671 222 tel:+51-954-671-222
+51954674974 +51 954 674 974 954 674 974 tel:+51-954-674-974
+51955412780 +51 955 412 780 955 412 780 tel:+51-955-412-780
+51955417921 +51 955 417 921 955 417 921 tel:+51-955-417-921
+51955556794 +51 955 556 794 955 556 794 tel:+51-955-556-794
+51955966666 +51 955 966 666 955 966 666 tel:+51-955-966-666
+51956207644 +51 956 207 644 956 207 644 tel:+51-956-207-644
+51956207673 +51 956 207 673 956 207 673 tel:+51-956-207-673
+51959326623 +51 959 326 623 959 326 623 tel:+51-959-326-623
+51960369460 +51 960 369 460 960 369 460 tel:+51-960-369-460
+51960504011 +51 960 504 011 960 504 011 tel:+51-960-504-011
+51960504080 +51 960 504 080 960 504 080 tel:+51-960-504-080
+51960625100 +51 960 625 100 960 625 100 tel:+51-960-625-100
+51961468938 +51 961 468 938 961 468 938 tel:+51-961-468-938