Reported phone numbers in Romania (+40)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +40
E.164 (Country Code): 40
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Bucharest
Language: Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
Valuta: Romania, New Leu (RON)
Local Time: 16:48
Timezone: Europe/Bucharest
Population: 21 959 278
Land Area: 237 500 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Romania without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Romania but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Romania / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +40 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Romania is 16:48.

Unspecified phone numbers from Romania

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Romania.

+40720527700 +40 720 527 700 0720 527 700 tel:+40-720-527-700
+40720722721 +40 720 722 721 0720 722 721 tel:+40-720-722-721
+40720722732 +40 720 722 732 0720 722 732 tel:+40-720-722-732
+40720770670 +40 720 770 670 0720 770 670 tel:+40-720-770-670
+40720770760 +40 720 770 760 0720 770 760 tel:+40-720-770-760
+40720777342 +40 720 777 342 0720 777 342 tel:+40-720-777-342
+40720800810 +40 720 800 810 0720 800 810 tel:+40-720-800-810
+40721297112 +40 721 297 112 0721 297 112 tel:+40-721-297-112
+40721374897 +40 721 374 897 0721 374 897 tel:+40-721-374-897
+40721759800 +40 721 759 800 0721 759 800 tel:+40-721-759-800
+40721762326 +40 721 762 326 0721 762 326 tel:+40-721-762-326
+40722897100 +40 722 897 100 0722 897 100 tel:+40-722-897-100
+40723294047 +40 723 294 047 0723 294 047 tel:+40-723-294-047
+40723471250 +40 723 471 250 0723 471 250 tel:+40-723-471-250
+40724313236 +40 724 313 236 0724 313 236 tel:+40-724-313-236
+40724383602 +40 724 383 602 0724 383 602 tel:+40-724-383-602
+40724393814 +40 724 393 814 0724 393 814 tel:+40-724-393-814
+40724444497 +40 724 444 497 0724 444 497 tel:+40-724-444-497
+40724505186 +40 724 505 186 0724 505 186 tel:+40-724-505-186
+40725117733 +40 725 117 733 0725 117 733 tel:+40-725-117-733
+40725117744 +40 725 117 744 0725 117 744 tel:+40-725-117-744
+40725117788 +40 725 117 788 0725 117 788 tel:+40-725-117-788
+40725119900 +40 725 119 900 0725 119 900 tel:+40-725-119-900
+40725119911 +40 725 119 911 0725 119 911 tel:+40-725-119-911
+40725119988 +40 725 119 988 0725 119 988 tel:+40-725-119-988
+40725317032 +40 725 317 032 0725 317 032 tel:+40-725-317-032
+40725517960 +40 725 517 960 0725 517 960 tel:+40-725-517-960
+40726233059 +40 726 233 059 0726 233 059 tel:+40-726-233-059
+40728008811 +40 728 008 811 0728 008 811 tel:+40-728-008-811
+40728008822 +40 728 008 822 0728 008 822 tel:+40-728-008-822
+40728008833 +40 728 008 833 0728 008 833 tel:+40-728-008-833
+40728080578 +40 728 080 578 0728 080 578 tel:+40-728-080-578
+40728080579 +40 728 080 579 0728 080 579 tel:+40-728-080-579
+40728080581 +40 728 080 581 0728 080 581 tel:+40-728-080-581
+40728671758 +40 728 671 758 0728 671 758 tel:+40-728-671-758
+40729683021 +40 729 683 021 0729 683 021 tel:+40-729-683-021
+40730055032 +40 730 055 032 0730 055 032 tel:+40-730-055-032
+40730551692 +40 730 551 692 0730 551 692 tel:+40-730-551-692
+40730849006 +40 730 849 006 0730 849 006 tel:+40-730-849-006
+40731130030 +40 731 130 030 0731 130 030 tel:+40-731-130-030
+40731131431 +40 731 131 431 0731 131 431 tel:+40-731-131-431
+40731131631 +40 731 131 631 0731 131 631 tel:+40-731-131-631
+40731144143 +40 731 144 143 0731 144 143 tel:+40-731-144-143
+40731193227 +40 731 193 227 0731 193 227 tel:+40-731-193-227
+40731378454 +40 731 378 454 0731 378 454 tel:+40-731-378-454
+40731792058 +40 731 792 058 0731 792 058 tel:+40-731-792-058
+40731996993 +40 731 996 993 0731 996 993 tel:+40-731-996-993
+40732101567 +40 732 101 567 0732 101 567 tel:+40-732-101-567
+40732375041 +40 732 375 041 0732 375 041 tel:+40-732-375-041
+40732798352 +40 732 798 352 0732 798 352 tel:+40-732-798-352