Reported phone numbers in Romania (+40)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +40
E.164 (Country Code): 40
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Bucharest
Language: Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
Valuta: Romania, New Leu (RON)
Local Time: 05:39
Timezone: Europe/Bucharest
Population: 21 959 278
Land Area: 237 500 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Romania without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Romania but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Romania / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +40 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Romania is 05:39.

Unspecified phone numbers from Romania

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Romania.

+40759053063 +40 759 053 063 0759 053 063 tel:+40-759-053-063
+40759053066 +40 759 053 066 0759 053 066 tel:+40-759-053-066
+40761936128 +40 761 936 128 0761 936 128 tel:+40-761-936-128
+40763017798 +40 763 017 798 0763 017 798 tel:+40-763-017-798
+40763846222 +40 763 846 222 0763 846 222 tel:+40-763-846-222
+40766121234 +40 766 121 234 0766 121 234 tel:+40-766-121-234
+40766121288 +40 766 121 288 0766 121 288 tel:+40-766-121-288
+40767961666 +40 767 961 666 0767 961 666 tel:+40-767-961-666
+40768122600 +40 768 122 600 0768 122 600 tel:+40-768-122-600
+40769778644 +40 769 778 644 0769 778 644 tel:+40-769-778-644
+40774020196 +40 774 020 196 0774 020 196 tel:+40-774-020-196
+40774032802 +40 774 032 802 0774 032 802 tel:+40-774-032-802
+40774035449 +40 774 035 449 0774 035 449 tel:+40-774-035-449
+40785268101 +40 785 268 101 0785 268 101 tel:+40-785-268-101
+40785268103 +40 785 268 103 0785 268 103 tel:+40-785-268-103
+40785268106 +40 785 268 106 0785 268 106 tel:+40-785-268-106
+40785268107 +40 785 268 107 0785 268 107 tel:+40-785-268-107
+40786391967 +40 786 391 967 0786 391 967 tel:+40-786-391-967
+40786466974 +40 786 466 974 0786 466 974 tel:+40-786-466-974
+40786523477 +40 786 523 477 0786 523 477 tel:+40-786-523-477
+40786523516 +40 786 523 516 0786 523 516 tel:+40-786-523-516
+40786523537 +40 786 523 537 0786 523 537 tel:+40-786-523-537
+40786523538 +40 786 523 538 0786 523 538 tel:+40-786-523-538
+40786558754 +40 786 558 754 0786 558 754 tel:+40-786-558-754
+40786558758 +40 786 558 758 0786 558 758 tel:+40-786-558-758
+40786558775 +40 786 558 775 0786 558 775 tel:+40-786-558-775
+40786558786 +40 786 558 786 0786 558 786 tel:+40-786-558-786
+40786558787 +40 786 558 787 0786 558 787 tel:+40-786-558-787
+40786558789 +40 786 558 789 0786 558 789 tel:+40-786-558-789
+40786583570 +40 786 583 570 0786 583 570 tel:+40-786-583-570
+40786583572 +40 786 583 572 0786 583 572 tel:+40-786-583-572
+40786583575 +40 786 583 575 0786 583 575 tel:+40-786-583-575
+40786583578 +40 786 583 578 0786 583 578 tel:+40-786-583-578
+40786583585 +40 786 583 585 0786 583 585 tel:+40-786-583-585
+40786583588 +40 786 583 588 0786 583 588 tel:+40-786-583-588
+40786583597 +40 786 583 597 0786 583 597 tel:+40-786-583-597
+40786583598 +40 786 583 598 0786 583 598 tel:+40-786-583-598
+40786583642 +40 786 583 642 0786 583 642 tel:+40-786-583-642
+40786583643 +40 786 583 643 0786 583 643 tel:+40-786-583-643
+40799105655 +40 799 105 655 0799 105 655 tel:+40-799-105-655
+40799299836 +40 799 299 836 0799 299 836 tel:+40-799-299-836
+40799299837 +40 799 299 837 0799 299 837 tel:+40-799-299-837
+40799502201 +40 799 502 201 0799 502 201 tel:+40-799-502-201
+40799502220 +40 799 502 220 0799 502 220 tel:+40-799-502-220
+40799502241 +40 799 502 241 0799 502 241 tel:+40-799-502-241
+40799631343 +40 799 631 343 0799 631 343 tel:+40-799-631-343
+40799941733 +40 799 941 733 0799 941 733 tel:+40-799-941-733
+40799991437 +40 799 991 437 0799 991 437 tel:+40-799-991-437
+40733468617 +40 733 468 617 0733 468 617 tel:+40-733-468-617
+40722136399 +40 722 136 399 0722 136 399 tel:+40-722-136-399