Reported phone numbers in Romania (+40)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +40
E.164 (Country Code): 40
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Bucharest
Language: Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
Valuta: Romania, New Leu (RON)
Local Time: 05:25
Timezone: Europe/Bucharest
Population: 21 959 278
Land Area: 237 500 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Romania without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Romania but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Romania / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +40 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Romania is 05:25.

Unspecified phone numbers from Romania

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Romania.

+40733690946 +40 733 690 946 0733 690 946 tel:+40-733-690-946
+40734148971 +40 734 148 971 0734 148 971 tel:+40-734-148-971
+40734192845 +40 734 192 845 0734 192 845 tel:+40-734-192-845
+40734192967 +40 734 192 967 0734 192 967 tel:+40-734-192-967
+40734301460 +40 734 301 460 0734 301 460 tel:+40-734-301-460
+40736803250 +40 736 803 250 0736 803 250 tel:+40-736-803-250
+40737003327 +40 737 003 327 0737 003 327 tel:+40-737-003-327
+40737003337 +40 737 003 337 0737 003 337 tel:+40-737-003-337
+40737004413 +40 737 004 413 0737 004 413 tel:+40-737-004-413
+40737004419 +40 737 004 419 0737 004 419 tel:+40-737-004-419
+40737004432 +40 737 004 432 0737 004 432 tel:+40-737-004-432
+40737069474 +40 737 069 474 0737 069 474 tel:+40-737-069-474
+40737133730 +40 737 133 730 0737 133 730 tel:+40-737-133-730
+40737177814 +40 737 177 814 0737 177 814 tel:+40-737-177-814
+40737177815 +40 737 177 815 0737 177 815 tel:+40-737-177-815
+40737334994 +40 737 334 994 0737 334 994 tel:+40-737-334-994
+40737335003 +40 737 335 003 0737 335 003 tel:+40-737-335-003
+40737335033 +40 737 335 033 0737 335 033 tel:+40-737-335-033
+40737698002 +40 737 698 002 0737 698 002 tel:+40-737-698-002
+40737973040 +40 737 973 040 0737 973 040 tel:+40-737-973-040
+40738795900 +40 738 795 900 0738 795 900 tel:+40-738-795-900
+40738795902 +40 738 795 902 0738 795 902 tel:+40-738-795-902
+40738795905 +40 738 795 905 0738 795 905 tel:+40-738-795-905
+40738796133 +40 738 796 133 0738 796 133 tel:+40-738-796-133
+40738796135 +40 738 796 135 0738 796 135 tel:+40-738-796-135
+40738796141 +40 738 796 141 0738 796 141 tel:+40-738-796-141
+40738796142 +40 738 796 142 0738 796 142 tel:+40-738-796-142
+40741073416 +40 741 073 416 0741 073 416 tel:+40-741-073-416
+40741283088 +40 741 283 088 0741 283 088 tel:+40-741-283-088
+40742249018 +40 742 249 018 0742 249 018 tel:+40-742-249-018
+40742313131 +40 742 313 131 0742 313 131 tel:+40-742-313-131
+40743244557 +40 743 244 557 0743 244 557 tel:+40-743-244-557
+40744335628 +40 744 335 628 0744 335 628 tel:+40-744-335-628
+40746293715 +40 746 293 715 0746 293 715 tel:+40-746-293-715
+40747380536 +40 747 380 536 0747 380 536 tel:+40-747-380-536
+40748144126 +40 748 144 126 0748 144 126 tel:+40-748-144-126
+40748146467 +40 748 146 467 0748 146 467 tel:+40-748-146-467
+40748146969 +40 748 146 969 0748 146 969 tel:+40-748-146-969
+40753102514 +40 753 102 514 0753 102 514 tel:+40-753-102-514
+40754238854 +40 754 238 854 0754 238 854 tel:+40-754-238-854
+40754498556 +40 754 498 556 0754 498 556 tel:+40-754-498-556
+40756088072 +40 756 088 072 0756 088 072 tel:+40-756-088-072
+40756088074 +40 756 088 074 0756 088 074 tel:+40-756-088-074
+40757117572 +40 757 117 572 0757 117 572 tel:+40-757-117-572
+40757117574 +40 757 117 574 0757 117 574 tel:+40-757-117-574
+40757117581 +40 757 117 581 0757 117 581 tel:+40-757-117-581
+40757117582 +40 757 117 582 0757 117 582 tel:+40-757-117-582
+40758086874 +40 758 086 874 0758 086 874 tel:+40-758-086-874
+40758086878 +40 758 086 878 0758 086 878 tel:+40-758-086-878
+40759053056 +40 759 053 056 0759 053 056 tel:+40-759-053-056