Reported phone numbers in Romania (+40)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +40
E.164 (Country Code): 40
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Bucharest
Language: Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
Valuta: Romania, New Leu (RON)
Local Time: 04:25
Timezone: Europe/Bucharest
Population: 21 959 278
Land Area: 237 500 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Romania without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Romania but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Romania / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +40 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Romania is 04:25.

Unspecified phone numbers from Romania

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Romania.

+40723748183 +40 723 748 183 0723 748 183 tel:+40-723-748-183
+40723312390 +40 723 312 390 0723 312 390 tel:+40-723-312-390
+40767104049 +40 767 104 049 0767 104 049 tel:+40-767-104-049
+40724334088 +40 724 334 088 0724 334 088 tel:+40-724-334-088
+40720482991 +40 720 482 991 0720 482 991 tel:+40-720-482-991
+40371701420 +40 371 701 420 0371 701 420 tel:+40-371-701-420
+40743512588 +40 743 512 588 0743 512 588 tel:+40-743-512-588
+40769112754 +40 769 112 754 0769 112 754 tel:+40-769-112-754
+40726607944 +40 726 607 944 0726 607 944 tel:+40-726-607-944
+407595559226 +40 7595559226 7595559226 tel:+40-7595559226
+40768543734 +40 768 543 734 0768 543 734 tel:+40-768-543-734
+40724000467 +40 724 000 467 0724 000 467 tel:+40-724-000-467
+40728758421 +40 728 758 421 0728 758 421 tel:+40-728-758-421
+40734198886 +40 734 198 886 0734 198 886 tel:+40-734-198-886
+40742141835 +40 742 141 835 0742 141 835 tel:+40-742-141-835
+40732541567 +40 732 541 567 0732 541 567 tel:+40-732-541-567
+40732541568 +40 732 541 568 0732 541 568 tel:+40-732-541-568
+40732541569 +40 732 541 569 0732 541 569 tel:+40-732-541-569
+40732 +40 732 732 tel:+40-732
+40734236708 +40 734 236 708 0734 236 708 tel:+40-734-236-708
+40746959334 +40 746 959 334 0746 959 334 tel:+40-746-959-334
+40774485424 +40 774 485 424 0774 485 424 tel:+40-774-485-424
+40740349473 +40 740 349 473 0740 349 473 tel:+40-740-349-473
+40669272038 +40 669272038 669272038 tel:+40-669272038
+40749801858 +40 749 801 858 0749 801 858 tel:+40-749-801-858
+40725026715 +40 725 026 715 0725 026 715 tel:+40-725-026-715